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i've been laying here awake for the past hour, too afraid to move due to the aching in my head I knew was inevitable from last night. The last thing I remember was Austin tripping over himself as he was trying to mosh to some NoDoubt song at the bar... after that? No recollection of anything.

Alan rolled over, only to end up halfway onto me with his arm outstretched over my body. I sighed and shut my eyes, curling farther into my blanket and now my ginger-pillow.

"Ey.. Jass.." I heard someone whisper, opening my eyes to see Austin leaning his upper body onto the bed propped up on his elbows, already showered and smelling like that Axe stuff he buys. I make him get the good smelling kind so its not that evil to endure. Wait... how did I not hear him moving around and showering? "Oh good your awake," he grinned while reaching out to give me a hot cup of tea and a few Advil from i'm guessing the bottle Alan bought last night.

How the hell did Austin NOT feel like shit? He was probably the one who got the most fucked up out of the three of us last night.

"What are you doing up Aust?" I grumbled after mumbling a 'thank you' under my breath as I took the tea. The room was still pitch black aside from a soft light coming in from under the curtains.

"it's 2 pm Jass.. i've been up for a while." I looked over to the clock and grumbled as I read the bright red '2:12 pm' displayed on the screen. I sighed , setting the tea to the night stand and held out my arms up in front of me like a mummy zombie.

Austin laughed and got the signal, grabbing onto my wrists, pulling me up to sit up right. This caused Alan to fall off of me and onto the floor on the other side of the bed, making him to jump up and look around frantically like he had just been dropped.

Austin and I both let out a chuckle "well good after-noon, fluffy." I snarked and swung my legs off the bed to fully get up, a little head-rushy, but over-all good to go.

"Morning bitch" he said as he fell face first back onto the bed with a groan.

"so its your turn to drive right Aust?" I asked, pulling a sweatshirt out of my bag and added it to my pile of clothes to change into after my shower.

He nodded smiling brightly "yep, go get ready and ill bring everything else to the car- HOLY SHIT WHERE DID YOU GET THAT HICKY?" Austin bounced, moving my hair away from my neck to examine whatever was on my neck.

"WHAT," I screeched, running over to the mirror and looked at it myself. It was huge holy shit. I still had no recollection of anything from last night, so the possibilities of where I got this from are endless.

oh the joys of a hang over.

"ohhhh, looks like someone got lucky last night ey, Jester?" Alan chuckled, tearing off his shirt to put on a hoodie he yanked out of his duffle bag.

"Shut it, Princess!" I ran my finger I've the purple mark. This was something a little Kat Von D foundation would be able to fix.


I eventually got out of the shower and headed down to the parking lot, only to see Austin and Alan laying on the hood the car looking bored as ever as Alan pointed to the sky and got excited, Austin, in turn, punched his arm and shook his head.

"so are we leaving or...?" I asked as I walked up with my backpack tightly over my shoulders.

"Finally!" Alan rolled off the hood and got in the car, waiting patiently in the back seat.

Austin laughed "god damn! why do girls take so long..." he mumbled as he opened the door to the car.

"i only took 20 minutes you, dingbat." I said as I threw my backpack in the back, hitting Alan's chest, getting an evil stare in return. I smiled and pulled out my phone playing Geometry Dash as Austin started driving to wherever ever he pleased.

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