12. "kids!"

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"Kids!" my dad's voice bellowed throughout the house.

"WHAAATT.." I dragged out, peeking my head out of the bathroom as I finished straigtening the curly mess that is my hair.

"You've got to be at the field in 10 minutes, Let's go!"

I trotted over to my room and grabbed my graduation gown from the hanger in the closet as I exited my room again, hopping on one foot to get into my heels.

I looked down to Austin's door. I haven't heard any noises come from his room at all... Now that I think about it, I don't think i've seen him come out of there all morning.

Only two days ago he got the news he wouldn't be able to play baseball again aside from a playful game every once in a while because of his Marfans. He tried to tell me he was fine, that everything was going to be fine in his world... but I knew him well enough to see right though his act.

I sighed and headed down to his door, knocking quietly, "Aust?" I called, tapping the door again with my finger but the door just fell right open, creaking with every inch it moved.

I peeked my head in the door and saw the figure of my best friend staring at himself in front of a mirror.

His Suit was on, tie still untied, hands in pockets and his gown still on draped over the bed post of his bed. His jacket still hanging up in his closet from what I could see. But no one wanted a jacket in Florida this time of year.

He didn't turn and look at me as I walked closer to him, stepping carefully. He just kept staring at himself.

I stopped to the side of him and smiled at our reflections, a hand on his shoulder... But he didn't move his gaze off his reflection.

My heels still made me about 3 inches shorter than he was, but it's always been like that.

I stepped infront of his shoulder, taking his tie and started tying it for him as he continued to stare into oblivion.

A smile slightly broke out on his face as I finished the windsor knot with very little effort.

I glanced back down to tightened the knot, stepping aside to stand behind his shoulder again.

"Im moving to Califnoria."

I jumped at his sudden voice shooting though the silence.

"What?" I asked. Honestly really confused of this sudden decision. "y-you are? Are you serious?"

He nodded, finally turning to look at me "i am." he said and let out a heavy sigh. "There's nothing here for me Jass... nothing besides you and Alan..."

I nodded as he rambled on, just thinking about the fact I would be miles away from my best frined. Just the pure thought of that was killing me on the inside. But if its how life goes then I guess thats how its going to go.. I cant change anything. And I would support his decisions no matter what.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by him snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Jass. Did you hear me?" he asked, looking at me like he just asked me a super important question.

"im sorry, what?" I said shaking my head clear.

" I asked you to come with me,... please Jass... new adventure in Huntington Beach... Come on, please?" he asked his voice so pleading and yet so hopeful and excited.


"LETS GO KIDS." my dad yelled from the living room.

"Let me thing about it okay? Lets just go to graduation." I more asked, his head and shoulders dropped at the rejection a bit but nodded anyways,

"Okay." he turned away and grabbed his gown and cap walking out the door leaving me there to stand on my own.

I walked out of the room as I tried to wrap my mind around the possibility of me going to California with him, and to be honest, I couldn't thing of any cons to the situations... you know, except the usual con of leaving my only family behind, AKA my dad.

"Okay, you Kids ready to go now?" my dad asked, as Austin and I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I nodded my head and smiled "Sure am." looking up and Austin, giving him a nod. He gave me a small smile and headed out the door to my dad's car.


"GUYS!" I whipped my head around, seeing Alan rushing towards us, I jumped on him as he spun around

"ASHBYY." I giggled, he set me down and grinned wildly.

"Who's ready to get their graduation onnn.." he asked, shaking what tiny booty he had to shake. I laughed and raised my hand

"Meee... whoop." I laughed, 'raising-the-roof' with my single hand.

Alan and Austin laughed at me, going on to talk about random subjects as we hung around in our little cliques before the ceremony actually started.

"OKAY, Class of 2006, please take your places!" we heard our principal talk over the auditorium, single handedly trying to get the 300 some-odd seniors to take their line up so we could walk in.

Austin looked at me and stood by my side, Alan stood on the other side of me with his goofy grin as he bounced in place.

I looked up at Austin and took his hand, "Let's go to California."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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