2. "Where are we going now?"

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Harsh rays of orange sun filtered its way into my room, breaking me from my sleep. I groaned. Didn't I close those curtains? I went to move my body to go grab the closest bottle of bourbon I could grab but was held down by a weight that was not my own. I opened my eyes wider, letting my eyes focus down on the person who was lightly and super quietly snoring. Loose auburn hair strew across my chest, teal streaks peaking out at random intervals with a tiny silver nose ring glimmering in the early morning sunlight that penetrated through the now-shattered window..

Jass was asleep on my bare chest, her hands under her face placed lightly over the left side of my chest where my heart was. I sighed and shut my eyes, wrapping my arm that was still under her tightly around her waist and held her to my side, hiding my face in the crook of her shoulder. I heard her mumble something incoherent as she slid her arms around my torso, holding to me tightly. Breathed in her usual scent of Orchid and Raspberries, calming every single nerve I had in my body for a moment. Her hands traced my my back as she tightened her grip on me. She picked her head up and looked at my face, smiling somberly. "how are you feeling?" she asked quietly.

"better than I was 12 hours ago." I said, my voice laced and cracked from the crying and yelling I have done the past 2 weeks. She nodded and pushed my hair out of my face with her delicate hands "thats good." she nodded as she smiled softly, watching my face. I couldn't help but crack a smile. Shutting my eyes and hugging her closer to my body once again. I felt her chest vibrate as she stifled out a laugh with her arms snaking their way tighter around my body while hiding her face in my shoulder.

We stayed like this for a while in the silence as I mustered up enough energy to finally sit up on my own, rubbing my face with my hands as I released Jass out of my grip. She sat to the side of me and crossed her legs indian style, pulling her hair back into a high messy pony tail. My stomach let out a nasty growl, I wrapped my stomach up with my arms and leaned forward groaning to myself.

"When was the last time you ate?" she asked quietly, rubbing her hand over my shoulder

"uhm..." I paused. I don't think i've had anything to eat within the last 2 weeks.. maybe 3? if had eaten I wouldn't of remembered anyways from how drunk I was every damn day. I looked up at her and shook my head closing my eyes tightly as the pain from my stomach eating itself violently took effect."i can't remember." I admitted. I heard her sigh and shift her weight off her bed.

"come on" she said. I heard the scratching of the dresser's legs then a loud crack and a yelp from Jass as the door Alan broke off the hinges fell to the ground, colliding with the hardwood and broken glass that still graced the floor boards.

My eyes shot up, looking at Jass who had jumped away from the fallen door frame, looking down at the door that was now on the ground "oops.." she said faintly then exited the doorway. Leaving me staring at the now open doorway which faced the stairs to the main level. I gulped and sat frozen on my bed.

Jass came back with a damp wash cloth and took my face in her hands. Wiping my whole face down traveling to my neck as well while I kept my eyes trained on the doorway. She followed my gaze and sighed "you gotta come out some time Austin.." Yeah.. some time.. not now..

If I go outside I will be met by faces of people who will just up and abandon me along the way anyways. So whats the point? Jass isn't going anywhere though.. I hope.... right?

I glanced up at her and nodded. I was doing this to make her happy. I grumbled, swinging my legs over the edged of the bed and stumbling shakily to my dresser, ripping though them for a clean tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans. Slipping into them while Jass disappeared though the door once again. I pulled on my black converse and leaned back against the dresser staring over at the door once again. Seeing Jass show up, reaching her hand out for me. I took it and followed her slowly up the steps. She pushed open the white door revealing the kitchen, framing the kitchen table perfectly in my view. I froze in my tracks that dreadful day coming back and flooding every inch of my conscious mind.

Nothing Without You (Austin Carlile) Where stories live. Discover now