"How is this guy getting into your room?" 

"I don't know." Sloan says, shaking her head. "You and I have the only keys. I don't know how he's getting in unnoticed."

"Do you think it could just be a fan or do you think it could be an actual stalker?" Sloan asks. Jensen shakes his head.

"I don't know." He admits. "But I do know that until we figure this out, you're not going anywhere alone. When you're in Vancouver, you stay with me, Jared, Grayson, or Cliff. You don't go anywhere alone, even if we're on set. When you're in Virginia, you stay with one of the guys that you trust." 

"What about in Austin?" 

"You stay with me and Danneel." He says. "If for some reason we're not there, you stay with Jared. If the two of us go out of town for whatever reason, you're not staying at the house by yourself. You'll stay at Jared's." Sloan nods, knowing that, even if she wanted to argue, she wouldn't win this one. This is the most serious She's ever seen Jensen and that fact alone is what scares her most about this situation.

"How scared do I need to be?" She asks, the frightened tears glistening in her eyes making Jensen's heart clench. "How much danger am I in?" 

"I don't know, sweetheart." Jensen says, pulling Sloan into a hug across the console. "I don't know." He whispers before pulling away and driving back to the hotel. "We need to let Jared, Grayson, and the Marvel guys know what's going on. 

"How? We don't know who this person is or where they are." She points out. "It could be one of the hotel staff members or one of the convention volunteers." 

"We'll meet in the green room after security clears it." He decides after a few moments of thinking. Sloan nods and creates a group chat with the Padalecki brothers, Sebastian, Chris, and Anthony. 

Emergency meeting in the green room. Don't tell anyone that's not in this group chat where you're going. I'll tell you when to come down. 

Sloan sighs quietly just as they pull into the hotel parking lot, trying not to get too stressed over the situation. Jensen explains the situation to the head security guard and asks him to sweep the room before they all meet in it. Once the security team clears the room, Sloan sends a text to the group chat to meet now. The security guards stand outside all of the doors leading to the room, only letting in the people Jensen and Sloan tells them to. Sloan hands Sebastian his keys when he walks in. 

"Thank you for letting us use your car." She says. 

"Anytime." He says, giving her a confused look. "What's going on, kid?" 

"You're about to find out." She tells him as Jensen closes the door. "Just sit down and we'll explain everything." Sloan walks back over to Jensen and they make sure everyone they need is there before locking the doors so no one can sneak in. 

"What's going on, J?" Jared asks as the group sits down. 

"Last night, I went into my room and found this on my bed." Sloan says, placing the picture on the coffee table in the middle of the circle of actors. "I thought maybe it was a fan who didn't really like me. But then I found these when I went to my room tonight after dinner." She places the other three on the table and allows the group to look at them before flipping them over so they can see the message on the back. "I don't know who they are or how they got into my room but as of right now, we're assuming that someone is stalking me.  Now, those three pictures from today weren't there when Grayson and I were in my room but they were there when I came back from dinner, which means that somebody managed to get in and out of my room unnoticed within the hour that we were all downstairs."

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