"Is she as good looking as you?"

"You must be kidding me right now. I didn't raise Daphne and that's the first thing you ask me!" I yelled at him and he just threw me off him. "What was that for?"

"Please tell me Daphne is a five year old that still enjoys wearing pig-tails and throwing Princess parties."

"No, she's not a day younger than seventeen."

"Holy shit! The world seems to be fucking with me today."


"I just found out I'd been having sex with my the mother of my son's girlfriend."


"You heard me right."

"Seems the earth's been fucking with both of us, today."

"Don't you think that you should be with your daughter, not here with me, in my bed."

"Daniel, with both know I'm not good with kids, and besides she's a grown child, she doesn't need me."

"She might be grown, but she's still your child. She needs you. I'm not keeping you here, even if it means driving you to where she lives." I'll make him swallow those words.

"You know where she lives?"

"Did you miss the part where I said she was my son's girlfriend." He said, then corrected himself. "Or ex now, she dumped his ass." he chuckled to himself.

"I don't think any father should be happy that his son was dumped."

"That idiot doesn't have any characteristics of mine, expect from physical ones."

"I told you before, quit calling your kid an idiot."

"I can't help it, he's one. You don't sleep with someone else to make your girl jealous."

"Aren't you doing the same thing?"

"No, I'm very much in love with my wife. We've discussed this."

"Yes, and it ended with me naked in your bed. Reason why we're not having that discussion again." I said. "since its obvious you don't want to have sex with me."

"I never said that, but its wrong."

"Says the man who has slept with me more times than I can count."

"That was before I found out that you're Alexis Sandoval."

"You knew me?"

"Most people knew you." He corrected. So I guess I was popular, but I could less about that. I want to know.

"Just who was Alexis Sandoval to you?" I asked as I bit my lip trying to taking his hand. But he caught it and his black beaded eyes bore straight into mine.

"This is why I'd advise any sane man, not to get involved with Cassias blood. You Cassias' are dangerous." he said, but it sounded more like he was scolding himself. 

"But yet-"

"Yes, I know, I've been sharing your bed, and I don't regret it. Just don't get any ideas into that pretty little head of yours." he said as he grabbed me by the chin and kissed me, getting rid of any other form of clothing that was in the way of our bodies being together. The real reason I liked Daniel, there was no such thing as foreplay, he was always direct and straight, especially when it came to sex.  

After a few hours, and a failed interrogation of Boston in the basement of Daniel's ranch. I found myself in my bar, pacing around simply thinking. 

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