Chapter 4: In The Past

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A/N: and I oOop-

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Vox sat beside Valentino, accompanying him at one of his porno filmings. The TV Demon shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the intense action happening on set. It was, as usual, the beloved Angel Dust bottoming on set with some dude as his co-star. Valentino was smirking and writing notes in his producer's seat, legs crossed as he chuckled in his usual maniacal way. Vox just rolled his eyes and tried to find what was happening before him somewhat attractive. Of course, he was not like Valentino. He didn't get off at every little sexual thing there was, the technology based demon was much more grounded than that. Sure porn was intriguing to watch every now and then, but viewing live was quite uncomfortable really.

Truthfully, Vox was lost in though about Alastor. He'd rather be almost murdered by the deer demon now than having to sit through Angel's overly loud fake moans and the co-star's heavy panting. Lately, the Radio Demon had been what it seemed like avoiding him. It had been 3 weeks since their incident and Vox had been basically trying to stalk him in anyway he could. Whether it was spying on him through the Hazbin Hotel's televisions or just sending minions to "coincidentally" be in the same place as the deer. The screened demon really longed for that usual adrenaline when he was around Alastor. He wished the red demon was not avoiding him and that they could be enemies like always- but maybe.. maybe the deer was onto him. Maybe Vox had somehow pushed it and the Radio Demon was uncomfortable being around him! Or maybe- Al was just bored of Vox. The thought of losing his favorite person, even though it was one sided, pained Vox. Finally, the bell for break rang.

Angel Dust shoved the other male demon off and scoffed, an assistant handing him his silk pink robe. Before the spider left to fresh up, Val grabbed his face and smirked. The pornstar groaned quietly before kissing the moth demon, gagging when a tongue entered his mouth. Vox sat their awkwardly before coughing into his fist. Val pulled back awkwardly and then shooed off Angel, sitting back in his seat. The moth crossed his bottom arms and held the other behind his head and neck.

"Do you think the film's making progress? We've reshot this scene 4 times now and it's honestly just getting annoying- Michael keeps closing his eyes instead of doing the whole glaring at Angel- ugh I hate and love new actors.."

The technology based demon's screen made a look as if he were biting his lip. He was distracted at his sad thoughts about Alastor truly, deeply hating him. He had hoped maybe it was a playful hate meant for fighting- but avoiding him? It kind of psised Vox off, seeing as the TV wanted to be more than enemies with Alastor-

"I think it's.. alright-"

Vox stiffened and sat up when his pimp friend threw his pocket knife at some crew member, stabbing them in the eye. Screams emitted across the set, but no one seemed fazed seeing as this was just a normal Wednesday.

"You're clearly distracted! Don't tell me you're thinking of Bambi-"

The TV's screen flashed light pink and red at the name 'Bambi'. It was a cute nickname- "I wasn't thinking of him! He just.. happened to slip into my train of thought-"

Valentino groaned and grabbed Vox by the hand, dragging him to his office. He shut the door and crossed his top arms, bottom set resting their hands on on his hips.

"Voxxie, you need to stop trying so hard for Alastor! He doesn't like you, and that's why he's avoiding you! Just because you haven't gotten off to fighting with him in your weird masochistic.. way thing- in three weeks doesn't change the fact that he does. Not. LIKE YOU!!" Val rubbed his forehead and sat in his office chair.

More Than Enemies -Vox x Alastor- (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now