Chapter 17

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Once the shaking was over, Hanna had stopped whatever she was doing in the kitchen and hold Ela's hand, stopping her too when she was about to chop some carrots. "Follow me." Hanna was getting out right away and was taking the fluffy shape creature that was playing with Squ at the living room, heading straight outside while Ela would just follow her close behind.

"Puff, do what you did best, covered everything inside from outside, including the smell." She was throwing Puff up, which was spread to smoke right after, covering the area. She was watching it for some time, but she still had her doubt. The smell would be so strong, so Puff might not be strong enough to prevent it from going outside.

"Give me your hand. You are a witch, right? Lend me your energy." With a little hesitation, Ela stretching out her hand that was taking by Hanna right away. Hanna then was making a waii with one hand, eye closed and her mouth would be mumbling some spell, which Ela had done the same thing, except for the spell. Lending her energy means, all she needs to do was concentrate and focus her energy on her hand that was hold by Hanna, which will be absorb by Hanna with the way she needed.

After some time mumbling the spell, Hanna was opening her eye that was all black and was blowing around and the black smoke was coming out from her mouth and was making another layer beneath puff's smoke, covering the area, making the area engulf in the darkness, but it was something she had to do to make sure Copter's smell wasn't going outside.

The black smoke's main purpose was to absorb the smell and supported the white smoke with his job. After some time blowing around until her energy and Ela's had finished, Hanna and Ela both were falling on the ground, unconscious. Seeing that, Squ had turned to his original form, and was taking both women on his shoulder and lying them both on the couch at the living room, since all the rooms were occupied.


The howling of the previous prince's wolf was felt by the whole nation. The Queen was restless. She already summons her black creatures that were good in tracking to track Copter smell right away. Copter wouldn't suppose to get away from the smoke she set up for him. No creatures had that kind of ability to surpass the smoke, but yet, he got away.

Copter wasn't supposed to meet his mate, but then with his wolf waking up from his unconscious state, he would be able to find his mate or mating with whomever he wants, he was capable of that. Even though it will make his strength less powerful for not mated with his destined mate, which she was sure was the case since Warunya had make sure all the upper-class alpha at the human world was already mated with all her girls, the one mention in the prophecy of probable Copter's destined mate came from, his power still surpass than that normal energy, she wasn't sure she was able to fight it off.

Her weapon wasn't ready, but she guesses she had to deploy her plan earlier than she thought. If she waited a little bit longer, Copter could be stronger and stronger, and it will hard for her to win over him. She then sent her spell birds, sending a message to Warunya in the human world. There's no point in waiting anymore.


It was the third day, after the mating of all three couple, and Tae and Bas was the one coming out from the room first, though Tae had to carry Bas out from their room with Bas's red face and all. But all in all, the happiness was clearly radiated from his eyes, since his dreams of mating with his destined mate were finally fulfilled.

Ela and Hanna had been close to each other since then since they were clearly talking about the spell and everything about a witch, which was the only thing they were both agreed with each other. Seeing Bas, Ela was hugging him right away, worried sick for the said guy, and at the same time she was afraid if something happens to him, she didn't know how to tell Andrea. She had trusted her to protect Bas.

A few hours after that, Itthipat was coming out from the room, with awkwardly walking Tee, having so much pride as an alpha to be carrying around by his mate, so he'd rather walk awkwardly to the dining room, where everyone was, except Kimmon and Copter. Since there wasn't any sweet and intoxicating smell in the air, both of them might just still resting, or still asleep, before had enough energy to come out.

"Why is it dark outside?" Tee would ask while taking his seat beside Bas. "Tae, your mate is really cute." Tae was smiling wide to that. "Of course he is. He's Bas by the way. Bas, he is Tee, and what's your mate's name Tee?" Itthipat was stretch his arm, offering a handshake to Tae, which Tae wouldn't know how to take that.

"I'm Itthipat." Bas was taking Tae's hand and make him shake with Itthipat making Itthipat smile. His name is Tae, Itthipat." Tae was smiling awkwardly wasn't really understand with the hand movement, but since Bas was the one pulling his hand, he wouldn't mind that much.

"I had to prevent the smell of Copter's mating process from going outside. Unlike yours, his smell was so strong and intoxicating and it will make it easier by the Queen to find him, so I had to use my spell for that as well as Puff's ability." Hanna was answering the question of Tee just now, making everyone turning to her.

Tee was about to say something else when everybody had turning to his behind, making him turning too, only to see Copter and Kimmon were standing smiling behind them. Once everyone had turned to them, Copter and Kimmon have transformed into their wolf right away, which revealed a new look of their wolf originally were.

Copter's wolf turned to gold in color, getting bigger in size and the fur was more smooth and soft, while Kimmon's wolf was getting bigger in size too and the grey color was getting darker than it originally was. Bas and Itthipat were gaping to that while others, except the three of them, Ela, Itthipat, and Bas, was kneeled right away before the real king.

Kitty's new look right now was the real look of a royal king that every creature in the nation would recognize right away. Seeing everybody was kneeling before both of them, Ela, Itthipat, and Bas was following their gesture too.

"Please rise." Ela, Itthipat, and Bas was shocked to hear the voice inside their brain, and was awkwardly standing up just like the others would do. Copter's chuckling a little, seeing the reaction of the three of them. "Welcome to the Magical Kingdom witch Ella, omega Bas and upper alpha Itthipat, and congratulations to you Tee and Tae for finding your mate. Let me introduce you my king, Kimmon and his wolf Kimmy, and we were officially mated, but I was sorry to him, our mating process would be a rushed and a short one, considering the urgent matter had arisen and had been struck the human world. Witch Hanna, you can undo the smoke, and we should get out from here soon."

To that, Copter and Kimmon were transformed back to human form and asked them to gather once again at the dining room, while all of them replenished their energy.

"Cop, how did you find Kitty back?" Tee was the one asking.

End of Chapter 17

p/s: I wasn't sure if this story would be to your liking. But I'll continue and trying to finished this anyway. please keep supporting me, and thank you for stopping by;)

Love, Rara

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