Chapter 11

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It was morning as usual to Copter, but then why would he felt excited for today? His appetite was good, and after a long time, he had full to the brim having a nice breakfast. He was taking a bath, getting his best outfit, and even greetings the soulless creature whenever he passes them, but as expected, their response as usual, but he was getting used to it already.

He was spending time at the tower looking down as usual when suddenly he saw something coming out from the smoke. Something coming out from the smoke? He can tell it was wolves and he knew it was an outsider right away when he could hear the screaming of all the soulless down there who has popped out into smoke right away, scared for the new things that invade their territory. Copter felt excited yet afraid of the same time? He couldnt really tell what he felt, but he knew it was something he longed for.

To that, Copter was fast running down, when he could see another two wolves were coming from the same way but then the army?

When he saw the army was about to swing their swords to the grey wolves, Copter was fast running to them and was standing in front of the grey wolves with his open arms, just like protecting it while screaming, "No!" The creature who had seen Copter was stopped right away but then the one who was in front was a bit late that the sword had scratch Copter's cheek, drawing blood on it.

To that, they were all hearing a loud screaming forcing them to cover their ears that accompany with strong winds that force them to hold their grounds and that all the wolves were squirming in their place because of that sound. At the same time, the smoke that surrounded the area brought out by the strong winds forming a tornado. while closing his eyes to that strong wind, the wound on Copter's cheek had closed by itself, leaving no scars whatsoever.

Once all the smoke was sucked into the tornado, which after a moment, the strong winds stopped and a small creature was falling down in front of them, unconscious. It was fluffy sheep-like, but with small hands and feet. All the other black creatures were coming to them.

"Copter, you were alive!" Copter who was standing in front of the grey wolves was turning to the other two wolves when Tee had mind link with him. "Beamie, Forty! Thank you! I thought you all forgot about me!" Copter was running to the two wolves and hugging the two wolves at the same time. But then Copter was remembered about the other wolves, who first came from the smoke and turn to him right away.

He was looking at him straight and coming closer, looking at it very closely. "Kimmy? Is that you, Kimmy?" Tae and Tee were shocked by hearing Copter. "What do you mean by Kimmy, Cop? Was it the Kimmythat your Kitty always dreams about?" Tae was the one asking.

Copter then turns to Tae. "Yes, exactly like in my Kitty's dream. But Tee, Tae, I couldn't feel my Kitty since I was brought here. I don't know what happened to him."

"What? He wasn't with you all this time? But how?" Tae was asking again and Tee was thinking. "We have no time to ponder about it here. The fact that the smoke was broke, my mother might have got the news already. We have to move fast. Cop, hop on Kimmy's back. Squ, lead the way."

Everybody was agreed. Copter who was about to get on Kimmy's back, the grey wolves, getting down back again to pick the fluffy creatures in his hold and brought with him on Kimmy's back. While following the others fast, Kimmon was talking to his wolves.

"So, now your name was Kimmy. You like it?" The wolves were growling loudly hearing Kimmon mind-linking him makes Kimmon was giggling inside and Copter was smiling at that. "What your name? My name is Copter, my wolves is Kitty." Kimmon was shocked when Copter could talk with him.

"You could hear me? Really?" Copter was smiling at this unexpected attitude of an alpha. And that was even an upper-class alpha, but somehow he finds it cute. "Of course I hear you. I can make mind-link to whoever I want to. That was one of my abilities. I'm happy I could have my ability back, and thank you for saving me."

Kimmon was grinning widely to that. Somehow he really loves the dimpled smile this petite guy was showing. When he saw this guy coming down from the stairs, he was stunned and couldn't help but stare at him. He was so stunningly beautiful even with his tense reaction on, he was still looked so beautiful, he couldn't tear his eyes from him. And he was jumping of joy, when the guy was coming to him, saving him from all the swords aiming at him.

"I don't think you have lost your ability fully then. I came to you, hearing you calling for me. Anyway, my name is Kimmon, nice to meet you, Copter."

Copter was frowning hearing Kimmon but then he was smiling when the guy was calling his name. Somehow, it felt warm, just hearing someone, other than the soulless things calling his name. He felt real, and finally, he was out. Just thinking about it, he was happy and thankful.

They arrived at a place, another part of the jungle they didn't know of. It was a cave just behind the waterfall, the place the woman hide from prying eyes of other creatures. Being a woman and all, she felt self-conscious with her 'different' look which she had experienced tormented and insults until she found this place, somewhere she could be alone and nobody would disturb her since no one knew about this place.

Arriving there, once letting Copter off his back, Kimmon's wolves, named Kimmy by Copter, had transformed back to human form by hiding behind the rock. Coming out from the hide, Kimmon was walking, making his way to Copter who was just putting down the fluffy-sheep creatures on the ground. Feeling like something or someone approaching him, Copter was turning just to take a glance, but then his sight was glued to the smiling face figure of Kimmon.

Somehow, the guy was stunningly handsome, while making his way, coming closer to him. Tae and Tee who just settled around with all the other creatures could see Copter's expression and they were just smiling at that. With a lot of things happening, they wouldn't have a proper chance to meet each other's eyes, but for now, they were giving chance for these two to indulge in their attraction to each other.

"Uhhh...." Hearing the groan from the fluffy-sheep, Copter was taking out from his trance that he didn't know he was in and turn his focus back to the dying creature. Since its purpose was broken, the black witch who made it must have made him with a destroyed spell once the purposes were broken.

To that, Copter was feeling guilty, and to be honest, this creature had taking care of him so good as far as creating the soulless creature for him, that he can't be sure whether it was intentional or just from its own desire.

But still, just to let it died in vain like that, he wouldn't have the heart. So here he was, moving his hand around it a little bit, then something yellow was surrounded it making a it's own space for the fluffy creature with moving lights around in it. Copter then was closing his eyes, while still moving his hands with palm surrounded the yellow area. He did that for quite some time until he moves his palm from down to up, shrinking the yellow light area which it will create a yellow ball just up on his both palm put together, shrinking it, and the ball was getting smaller until it was turning to a size of a marble.

With his pointer finger and his thumb holding the marble size light yellow ball, he was putting it right into the close mouth of the fluffy-sheep creature. And all that time, Copter was closing his eyes, and once the ball was getting in the body of that creature, he was opening his eyes, showing the yellow orb he had while the yellow light absorbed in the whole body of that creature.

Once the yellow light disappeared, the yellow orb in Copter's eyes was disappeared too. Few seconds after that, the fluffy-sheep creature was coughing out black fluid that was hitting straight to the woman's face, making everybody laughed at it. It was the first, for all those black creatures to laugh together, and somehow, they were all liked it. Maybe their lives weren't that hopeless as it appears to be.

Only then, Copter could focus on Tae and Tee and be getting up while both of them were taking a big step coming close to him. Without wasting any more second, all three of them were engulfed in a hug that felt like forever since the last time they were hugging each other.

"Can I have a hug too?"

End of Chapter 11

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