Chapter 6

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Kimmon was choking from his own saliva hearing the words of prince Tee. 'Why? Because I was dreaming? Or because I was being in a deep jungle? Will I be a prisoner? Mom and dad? Bas and Itthipat?' Kimmon couldn't think properly and Neung and Rudet were speechless too.

Before anyone could utter anything, Tee had standing up right away. "Pibul, please ready for their stay near my tent. I will handle them myself, you don't have to worry. One more thing, don't let any words of this reaching the queen, am I clear?"

Pibul was understanding right away the intimidating tone Tee had given him. It was such a rare occasion for him to hear the tone, but he wouldn't question him any longer, but to just accept the order as it is. He needs to make sure all his trusted man, and only his trusted man to deal with this.

"You three, follow us." Though confused, the three of them were standing up right away and was following Tee and Tae with an unreadable expression. Was it scared, was it confused or was it surrender? They couldn't tell themselves.

"Toptim, give them both a proper task before they were going to the city. I already ask Pibul to prepare their tent." The dwarf woman named Toptim was bowing while showing Neung and Rudet to follow her, while Kimmon would just looking at them with pleading eyes, hoping for them both to do something. But, he knew, they couldn't do anything, since they were as hopeless as him right now.

Once making sure they were left only the three of them, Tee then took out a white ball, just like a golf ball, with the size almost the same and was throw it up. Kimmon thought it would float at least hitting the roof of the tent, but then, the ball was stopped just not far from their head and was giving out something like a bubble?

The bubble then will surround them three and Kimmon felt curious and tried to pop the bubble with his hand when Tee had stopped his hand before his finger could reach the bubble. "We need it, stop touching anything just you felt like it. It's a warning." Tee said with his eyes staring right into Kimmon, makes him cringe.

Tee then let go of his hand, only then Kimmon could relax again. "The bubble will prevent anyone outside this bubble to hear our conversation since this conversation was private. You are not allowed to talk about this even to your two friends just now. Are we clear?"

Now, it was Tae using his intimidating tone making Kimmon almost shrunk in his seat. 'Why is he here in the first place?' "Can I not hear your secret and just let me go home?" Kimmon's tone almost begging and he was actually pleading instead of asking permission.

"Kimmon, did you just turn 18?" Tee sudden question making Kimmon turn to him immediately. "How did you know?" Kimmon was asking back instead of answering the question properly. "Then tell us something we don't know then." Tee continues.

Kimmon was looking at Tae and Tee a few times before heaving a big sigh. "I didn't tell anyone about this, afraid they will say I was crazy. When I reach 18, not even past an hour, I started to hear these words in my head, it was coming to me eventually, though the time wasn't fixed. It was the voice of a guy, I can make sure of that, and that of a voice I never heard before."

Tae and Tee were looking at each other then turn to Kimmon back. "What is it saying?" Tae was the one asking. "He asked me to find him. That's it, nothing else." Tae and Tee were raking their hair making Kimmon wonder if what he said would make them feel offended. 'Was it his fault?'

"It was true then. I thought... I never thought......" Tee who couldn't finish his words and that Kimmon didn't understand any of it, turning up to Kimmon once again. "How did you end up coming here?" 'Finally.' Kimmon thought that was supposed to be the first question from the beginning.

"I thought you'd never ask. Those two were on runaway from her witch....." Kimmon was trailing on his words. Should he not tell the witch part?

"Her witch who? Who was the witch?" Tae was asking impatiently, asking for an answer. Kimmon was giving out his apologetic smile. "You wouldn't do anything to her, right? Her mother was the one the black witch, but she was a white witch, trust me."

"There's a black witch around you?" Tee was asking Kimmon and Kimmon was just nodding his head. "What was she trying to do?" Tee was asking again.

"Nothing, just that she likes me so much, that she forces Neung to mate with me. Neung had using a trick on me, and I guess, she thought we both already mated, I guess." Tee was frowning hearing Kimmon, irritated even.

"Do you think they knew?" Tae was asking Tee, which Kimmon didn't understand that one. "I don't think so, they might be coming at them blindly. If they ever knew, he couldn't come here, ever." Kimmon was just watching these two talking while he would just blinking his eyes, seems like he was been ignored, but then, the growl on his stomach makes Tae and Tee turn to him.

"Oh, you must be hungry. Let's have lunch and rest. You can touch the bubble." Kimmon was eagerly touching the bubble and it was pop, just like a bubble would be and the ball that was floating then would fall down, and Tee was catching it. He then will put the ball that looked like a scrunched up ping pong ball into a ball fill with water. Soon the ball was consuming all the water and was jumping to Tee right after, shocking Kimmon.

"It's alive, isn't it? The ball was alive!" Tae and Tee was just smiling seeing Kimmon reaction while Tee would signal one of the soldier to bring them their lunch.


"Kimmon! Kimmon! Kimmon! Wakes up!" Kimmon was opening his eyes, trying to adjust to the little lights surrounding the room. It was clearly at night, but he couldn't tell the time, somehow, his watches stop working once he was stepping into this world. He never thought he was that tired that he was sleep until now. Tee and Tae was saying he needs to sleep and rest after lunch, because he needs energy, for what, they didn't say.

Tae was staring at him, making sure he was wide awake before he was taking some kind of backpack and was throwing it at Kimmon. It hits his chest and he was still confused, and just looking at Tae and Tee who was looks like getting ready? Are they going somewhere?

"Come on, wake up. We need to go, I mean, now." It was Tee using his intimidating voice again, that makes Kimmon shoot up, standing right away, getting down from the bed he was having his sleep, for how many hours, he didn't sure.

Tae and Tee were walking out of the tent right away while looking around, just like making sure there's no one to realize they were leaving. Following them close behind, Kimmon could see no one outside. He thought those soldiers would be guarding around at night, but surprisingly, there's no soldier around when he was looking around.

They were walking deep into the woods, that Kimmon was surprised he could see really well, and that he could feel his wolves inside him was excited? Normally in the human world, he could feel his wolves inside him, just to the point he knew the existent of it inside him. But he was kind of enjoy this new feeling, it seems like he felt closer with his own wolves and he was happy at some point.

The night was dark, really dark, with no moon and stars above them. "The moon was hiding, it wasn't her time to shine yet. There's no star in our sky, though I heard a lot from wolves who had been outside to your world that the sky was beautiful with different kind of moon and even stars too. Here, the moon would show up only when it's time for a full moon."

Tae was telling him while they were still walking, fast, though he still wasn't sure where they were heading and what's with secrecy? Tee was leading the way, since he was good with directions when they were in human forms, according to Tae since they could use the smell to find direction when they both turn to wolves.

Kimmon was still frowning, didn't understanding a things happening right now, but he just wait for now. He was sure, eventually, these two guys will tell him what this is all about.

They were walking, in a fast pace quite for some time until Tee stopped, making Tae and Kimmon were stopping too, and then Tee would turning to Kimmon with an unreadable expression.

Kimmon was looking at him back with lines still forming on his forehead until he can see the area in front of them, Kimmon was fast walking past Tae and Tee.

It's the place his dream brought him!

End of Chapter 6

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