Chapter 14

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"Your grandmother? You didn't tell me this just because you want to come back here, do you?" Bas rolling his eyes to Itthipat's statement. They were currently standing in front of the traditional house, outskirts of the city, where Bas's grandmother was living.

"She was a white witch before. Let's going in. you'll understand better." Bas was the one taking his step coming closer to the door and was knocking on it a few times before he could hear some voice from inside.

Once the door was open, revealed a half-aged woman, with a blouse and short skirt till her knee and almost all-white hair with a sweet smile and was pulling Bas into her tight hug right away. "My baby Bas, I really missed you. How are you? Why is it so hard for you to come here?"

Bas was just hugging her back while smiling. They didn't have much difference in size, but Bas a little bit height than her, so she was the one wrapped around by Bas in the hugs. "I miss you, granny. I'm sorry I was busy with class and all, so it's hard for me to come here frequently." Bas was saying that after they both had released the hugs and was pout to his grandmother making Itthipat smiling while shaking his head.

"Oh, come on in. Let's continue inside. But who is this?" Granny had turned to Itthipat while asking Bas. Itthipat was giving his waii right away while Bas was the one replying to her. "This is Itthipat, granny, my friend, Kimmon's cousin."

Hearing Kimmon's name, the granny expression turned sad right away. He received the news last week and people keep saying that guy was running away from home since he had achieved an adult's age that she couldn't believe any of those rumors. He knew the boy, and how sweet that boy was.

The three of them then coming inside and Itthipat was welcome by an authentic classic view of the house that he couldn't help but admire the decoration inside. He was looking around while taking his seat on the wooden sofa in the living room. He was still looking around when granny was going deeper into the house, to the kitchen to bring some drinks and cookies for the boys, while letting the first-timer guy taking his time looking around.

"Your grandmother's house is really beautiful Bas. Did she did this by herself?" Itthipat was still looking around while asking Bas who was leisurely sitting on the wooden couch. "It's her's and my late grandfather's. it was their dream to leave a peaceful place like this, with green scenery, and they were traditional art worshippers too. So, this house literally fulfilling all those criteria."

Bas was nodding his head to Bas's explanation. Itthipat stopped looking around once granny was coming out from the kitchen with a tray of juice drinks and a plate of cookies for them. Once she was putting the tray on the coffee table, she put the drinks one by one in front of Bas, Itthipat, and herself each.

"So, Bas. What is it that you said you need to discuss with me? You sound very urgent that you make me anxiously waiting for you." Granny was asking him right away. When she received a call from Bas, which she rarely did, she was taking it a little bit negatively, that something bad could happen to his son, but then hearing the calm voice of Bas she put the negative thoughts away, but couldn't help being curious, since Bas was being mystery.

"There's something I need to discuss with granny. We are heading to your house right away." That's the only thing Bas was telling her on the phone and was cut the call right away.

"You heard what happened to Kimmon, right?" Granny was nodding her head and then was frowning. "I didn't tell anyone before since I don't it was significant since the girl couldn't make him mate with her that night and that he got back home alright that night. We have a short phone call before going to sleep, so I was sure it has nothing to do with the girl."

Granny was heaving a deep sigh. "Bas, it's okay. Just cut to the point." Bas was turning to Itthipat beside him, then turn ahead facing his granny once again. "I've seen a black witch around Kimmon a few days before we lost him." Granny was literally gaping to that statement of Bas.

She took a few seconds to get herself together and was standing up right away, making Bas and Itthipat confused with her reaction. She then took her phone on the side cabinet and was typing something on her phone. After a few minutes been messaging, she looks up at the confused Bas and Itthipat and was smiling to them.

"You both are staying for dinner and will be sleeping here tonight. Tell your parents right now." To that, granny was heading straight to the kitchen and was started to prepare the dinner for them. Bas and Itthipat could just blink their eyes to that and when Itthipat was looking at Bas, Bas was just shrugged his shoulder.

The dinner prepared was a lot more than they were anticipated. Somehow, the amount doesn't fit for just 3 people, it could feed the whole family of 8 people, and Bas and Itthipat were gaping to that. Suddenly, they heard the knock on the door which granny was heading straight to it opened the door, reveal another 3 women, almost the same age as the granny. Bas and Itthipat could see they were meeting after some time watching the way they hugging with each other.

After they finished the greetings, they were coming straight to the dining table and taking a seat, while Bas and Itthipat were still standing, dumbfounded. "What are you doing there, Bas, Itthipat? Come, have a seat, let's have dinner first then we will talk. Before that, this is my friends, Nam, Wan, Ela." Bas and Itthipat were waiing to each of the friend mentioned by granny, while they were just nodding their head and smiling. Granny's name was Pink, by the way.

The dinner went smoothly with all the grannies chit-chat, keeping up with their life, while Bas and Itthipat would just taking their dinner silently, listening to the grannies and sometime would laugh along with them.

Once they finished dinner, all of them were gathered in a room, some kind of study room, but it has a desk just like a dining room, making it looks like a meeting room. Okay, Bas and Itthipat were quite confused about why granny would have this kind of room in the first place when Bas didn't remember seeing this room before. They just take a seat by the way.

"Okay, Bas, please tell us again about things you told me this late evening. This time, tell us everything you know." Bas granny, Pink would ask him right away. Bas was looking at every face that was focused on him before he was started to tell his side of the story.

"I thought it was all rumors, I never thought they would targeting them one by one like this." It was Nam. "I told you, there wasn't a baseless rumor if it came from that world." Now, it's Pink. "So, basically the witch targeting the upper-class alpha existed so that they will make sure that upper-class alpha mated with someone else so that the prince never got to meet with his mate. But why?" Ela was the one asking.

"What happened if one couldn't mate with his mate? Right here, it was normal to mate with someone you choose, but right there?" Wan was the one saying which everyone was gaping to that while Itthipat and Bas were oblivious with the whole thing they were talking about.

"Ladies, care to share your knowledge with us?" Itthipat was talking to them just like a gentleman he was. Pink was cleared her throat before she said, "We have to find Kimmon first, we will bring you to where he was, then we will face whatever that was later on. We'll tell you everything once we were sure of everything. For now, let's do something to find Kimmon. If someone used magic to bring him they might have left a trace. We have the best tracker here, right Ela?" Ela then just shrugged her shoulder and smiles.

End of Chapter 14

The Missing PartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora