Chapter 24

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"Aaaahhhhhh!!!" A loud screaming outside had shocked them both making them both looking outside the window which they could see the field of the human prisoner to use during their break time, while wolves prisoner wouldn't be allowed even getting out of the prison room.

However, what they saw wasn't something they wished to see, it was all chaos when the prison had been attacked by a group of werewolves and at the same time, they could see the wolves prisoner had transformed to werewolves even though they never knew how to do it. Seeing that Korn was also in the process of turning, and Copter could see his eyes were dark while in the process, Copter could tell it was all dark spell's work.

Copter turned to the human, "Ask your men to find someplace to hide, with this many wolves, how many could you shoot them with that silver bullet? You have to save your men, I'll deal with the wolves. You understand?!" that human prison leader could only nod his head, for he never encounters so many werewolves and that he didn't really know how to deal with them, forcing him to agree with Copter.

To that, he pushes the walkie talkie on his desk, "All soldiers, take cover, no attack until further notice." Hearing that, Copter running out and was cover his step so that he could come closer to Korn, before he transforms fully to wolves. He was still struggling with it. Copter was pulling scowling and struggling Korn on the hidden side from all the other werewolves.

All the werewolves that were attacked the prison were growled while keeping their territory, a lookout on any movement from the human soldier, which already many of them lying lifeless on the prison area. Copter was using his hands above Korn's head, emitting the yellow aura, his healing light on it, making Korn struggle more.

Though, he had to do this, to heal the black spell that was crawling inside him. Korn as struggling some more, and his transforming was little by little happening, starting with his claw, his hands and feet, while Copter's healing was also starting to eliminate the black on his eyes, and the moments the black was gone, at the same time, the transformation of Korn's had finished. His wolf was big, no wonder he was an alpha, black and dark, but it has a line of white fur on the neck area and his eyes were silver, it was beautiful. To that, he was howling and was almost jumping around if it wasn't for Copter's hand which was still on his head, that could calm him down.

"Korn, easy, easy. Your transformation had complete, and meet your wolf. You can talk to me, I can hear you alright." Copter was trying to calm Korn down. "You can hear me? Really?" Korn was talking to Copter. "Yes, and you can talk to your wolves, but we can do that later. For now, you have to help me, to fight all those bad werewolves out there, and at the same time I will heal as many wolves as I can. Can we do that?"

Korn's wolf was nodding and was running outside right away. Copter was following him while turning himself to half-human and half-wolf since he needs to use his hand. In fully werewolves state, he couldn't use his healing ability and he would turn to fully royal alpha state, that will attract the dark witches at the same time since his aura as the king wasn't a joke. It could spread to the whole world, since he couldn't learnt how to covered that aura as of yet.

Korn's wolf was attacking as many wolves as he can, and Copter would treat the unconscious wolf, remove the black spell on them. Being an alpha, fighting inexperienced beta or even omega that driven by black spell only, which originally target was human wasn't that hard for Korn, making a few of the wolves that was the one attacking the prison, aka the leader of the wolves retreat and running away for unexpected attack from another sane wolf.

To that, the human soldiers, who had been peeking from their hideout was coming out screaming in joy that the bad werewolves had retreated, leaving the good kind of wolves. However, healing so many wolves had taken a toll on Copter, right after finished healing the last wolf that left behind, Korn had caught him last minute, before falling on the floor.


Training the wolves wasn't as hard as Kimmon thought it could be, since they were originally wolf in heart. However, the hardest part was to let them realize their own ability, since the only person who could see once ability was the king, but Copter wasn't yet received the throne, so that ability of his still suppressed. And besides, he wasn't here even he indeed had the ability.

Thinking about his mate, Kimmon was really missing the guy and he didn't heard anything this few days. 'My Cop, please, be okay.'

"Kimmon, are you okay?" Bas had come near him since he could see the guy was out of it instead of watching the other wolves training under Tae and Tee. Kimmon would supervise both betas and alphas who trained physically, and omegas who strained skillfully, focusing in each ability, which Bas would help them and Itthipat would help Tee and Tae at the battlefield.

"Just thinking about Copter. I didn't hear from him after the first day we are here. I know he was strong, but I still worried. And he had been shot with a silver bullet. I wonder how his condition now." Kimmon was looking down, trying to suppress his feeling.

Bas had patted his shoulder. "Right now was the time for you to be stronger, to show to us that you are strong and that you deserved to be the mate of the king. I can understand your feelings of worry for our loved ones, but the situation was different Kimmon. You heard, Ela. Hanna said the time was closer and they were already gathered at the border. Hold your chin up, and lead us. Eventually, we will meet Copter, since I'm sure he had his way to fight and brought others to fight with him too."

Kimmon was smiling looking straight at Bas. He never thought Bas could be this wise and Bas sure know how to lift Kimmon's spirit. "Thank you, Bas. I wasn't confident before, but I think I am now, thanks, buddy." Kimmon would pat Bas's shoulder back. "Anytime."

Kimmon then walked ahead and gathered all the omegas while asking Pink, Nam, Wan and Ela to stay in front with him and Bas. Pink would come closer to Bas and hugs his grandson, who she never thought would have found his destined mate in the magical world, and it was a Beta of the Royal, on top of that. He kissed the head of Bas, while turning to the crowd of omegas in front of them.

"We've got the news the enemy was getting closer. It will be worse than we had right now, being attack by wolves and only wolves. But the one coming at us was a different creatures and there would also a lot of black creatures that we would never knew what they capable of. We could expect some that we knew and learn these few days, but we expected it to be a lot more. So, please focus on your own ability and don't forget to learn how to protect yourself with the help of all the witches. We have to be fully ready by tomorrow."

Kimmon then proceeds to gathers all the alpha in the secret zone of the battlefield.

End of Chapter 24

p/s: Sorry guys, I took longer than I intended to update the story. I kind of lost I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Thank you guys, for stopping by;)

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