37: This is Gulf, this is Mew

Start from the beginning

Uh...what else...apparently, we look alike? Don't you find that funny? But seriously, I think we have more things in common than we realize, though. I mean, we both fell hard for Mew and it's honestly no surprise that we did. It's so hard not to love him. I guess if I were to apologize at all about anything, it would be that I didn't show how much I love Mew sooner.

It was a huge mistake to leave him. I thought I knew what was best for both of us but I totally disregarded how he felt. I was dumb to think that I had to make all the decisions. So I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry I made him feel like I didn't want him anymore when all along he was the only one I needed to be happy again.

Type, I know I can't ever replace you. You were Mew's first love and I understand that you're always going to be special to him. But, can you allow me to be his greatest love? Because that's what he is to me. Mew's the best thing that has ever happened to my life".

I exhaled deeply as I let those words go. I didn't really expect to say those last few sentences out loud, but there were all true anyway. Type will always be Type. He's not someone I have to fill in for. I'm not a cover up nor a substitute for him in Mew's heart.

I'm just Gulf, but I'm also the person who loves Mew and the person who won't ever leave his side ever again.

I looked at him and he was drying his tears. It was already dark and the stars were already up in the sky. I glanced around the cemetery and we were completely alone. Usually this would feel scary, but the only thing I feel right now is a sense of security.

"Should we go now?", I asked him.

"Yeah", Mew stood and pulled me up. "I'll take you home".

"Okay. But can we stop somewhere real quick?". We walked to his car that was parked under a tree.

"Sure, where do you want to go?".

"You took me here to meet Type so now I want to take you to meet my parents".


I hurriedly pulled Mew to where my mom and dad were. The cemetery was about to close so we had only a few minutes left. We ran to the spot and quickly tried to catch our breaths.

I took one last deep inhale and turned to face my parents. "Okay. So, mom and dad, this is Mew. It's getting late and we have to hurry but I just want you guys to see who I was talking about before. I don't think I have to explain further because you guys already know everything. I'm pretty sure you approve of him already so what is there left to say?".

I turned to Mew and smiled. "Go on".

"What?", he asked.

"It's your turn".

I think he was surprised that I didn't say much to my parents. But, I didn't have to. I didn't have to give all the details of what happened these past few weeks because I'm sure they've been watching over me anyway. I didn't have to put everything into words. They live in my heart so I'm sure that they're already aware of how I feel.

Mew took another deep breath and greeted them. "Hello, I'm Mew. I honestly did not expect for Gulf to bring me here today, but I guess if not now then when, right?", he suddenly reached for my hand. I held him back and he was shaking a little. Was he actually nervous that he's talking to my parents?

"I just want to say that you raised such a wonderful and kind person. I can't express just how glad I am to have the honor of loving your son. We all know just how much he's been through, yet he continues to be so brave and so strong even when he doesn't realize it.

Thank you for treating him right. I'm saying that because I wish I had parents like you. I wished my parents accepted me for who I am despite my flaws. It's not that I'm complaining about them, it's just that Gulf is so lucky to have you two. I'm sure no matter what he does and no matter how many mistakes he's made, you both still love him the most in this world.

If it's alright, I'd like to be able to love him the most too. I promise to treat him right. I'll accept everything about him and I'll make sure he stays kind and loving just like you want him too. We'll both learn from each other and grow to be better people. I'm going to take good care of him. You don't need to worry. I'll make sure he stays happy and healthy".

"Mew, it's almost closing time". As much as I was loving him being sentimental with my parents, we had to leave soon.

"Okay". He faced them again, "I guess we have to continue this at another time, but it's nice to finally meet you two. You guys must be really proud of Gulf".

I smiled at the last thing he said. I tugged his sleeve and hugged him. "Let's go home".

"Sure. Your aunt's probably waiting for you".

"No, Mew. Let's go home".


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