Chapter ~ 13 Fear and Love

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Jasmine's POV
As I walked up to the front door of Kyo's apartment and was surprised when the door swung open to revile non other then Reimi.
"Reimi you scared me" I said, placing a hand over my fast beating heart.
"Oops! Sorry Jazz!" Reimi replied, stepping aside to let me in. I quickly walked past my friend and smiled
"So I take it that you and Kyo made up"
Reimi nodded and closed the door
"Yeah, its kinda hard not to love that ass hole of a brother" 
 "That is understandable"
"If it is okay, can I stay with you for a little while loner?"
"Oh of course you can! Like I said, you can stay for as long as you want"
Reimi smiled happily and engulfed me in a hug, which I gladly returned. 

"Your late" Said a voice from the stairs.
I backed away from Reimi and looked at the stairs to see Kyo on the bottom step, with his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the door frame.
"Sorry. There was traffic"  I said.
"Whatever. Reimi leave Jasmine and I alone" He told his sister.
Reimi rolled her eyes "Good luck" She whispered to me as she passed.
Silence hung in the air as Kyo and I just stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Slowly, Kyo began to walk over to me and stopped where there was only a few inches between us. My eyes widened at how close he was and I felt my cheeks heat up ever so slightly. Kyo said nothing as he grabbed both my hands and rested his forehead against my own.
"Jasmine, we can no longer see each other" He whispered.
I frowned and moved my head back slightly to look at his face
"What? Why?"
"Because it's for the best. You and Reimi can still hang out and be friends, but you and I can no longer see each other"
 "Are you kidding?"
"No I am not. The reason I made this decision is personal, but I no longer want to see you"

At that moment I felt my heart shatter. I just stood there unsure of what else to say and do. Quickly, I looked down at the ground, wanting to break away from Kyo's hard gaze. 
 "Jasmine, look at me"  Kyo commanded. I shook my head no and tightened my grip on his hands involuntary. Kyo sighed and released one of my hands before placing it under my chin to bring my face up to look at him.
"I'm sorry" He said in his normal monotone voice.
I glared and shoved his hand away from my face and pulled my hand out of his own.
"Don't touch me" I hissed.
A look of regret plastered itself upon Kyo's face as he looked at me. Tears came to my eyes as I turned around and made my way to the front door.
"Jasmine!" Kyo yelled before I shut the door behind me.
I quickly ran to my car and got in before driving away down the street back to my own apartment.
How could I have been so stupid to fall in love with someone who must not feel the same way?

Reimi pov

I come back down the stairs and say, 
"Why did you call out to her if you basically said get out of my life?" 
I saw his fist clench and he let's out a growl, 
"I'm sorry, but I still think it was a mistake, but it's not my place..." 
"Your right, so don't talk about thinks you know nothing about!" He storms off to his room and I let out a sigh as I head off to find Jasmine.

~^~^~ It was about a year ago. I was 19 and came to live with my brother in Tokyo so I could work. He greeted me the day I came to live with him, with a hug and a smile. Tooru's smile was simply lovely. He smiled all the time back then. It's wasn't till a few days after I moved in the I noticed him talking on his cell phone alot and being out a lot. Then as you guess a month later he tells me about this girl he's seeing. (Witch is still unusual for him to tell me things like this) he explains that he his girlfriend of 2 years is so precious to him that he's gonna ask her to marry him. It really kinda surprised me, I didn't see him as the marriage type at this point in his life, but I suppose if it made him happy. That day, I came home before he did and I heard the door slam. I came down to the living room to an extremely agitated Tooru. I asked what was wrong but he pushed me out of the way. I fell to the ground and stood there for a mintue and then helped me up and held me tight. That's also the only time I've ever seen him cry. He told me she laughed at him when he pulled out the ring. And ever since that day, he stated being more protective of me and never smiled. When Jasmine came along, that was the first time I've seen him smile in forever. Even if it was just a simple smirk. I was really hoping that Jasmine would be the one for my borther. But then he pushed her away. I know exactily why too. He's afraid he's gonna reject her. That's why he shut her out.~^~^~

I must have been looking for hours because I was about ready to call it quits. But it started to rain. I saw a body sitting under a arch  hugging it knees. I put my hand on the shoulder of the person and sure enough a crying Jasmine looks up at me. I give here a soft smile and then help her stand. I tell her that we will head back to her place and talk about anything she wants. I know she needs someone and I'll do what I can to help my best friend...

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