Chapter~1 A Click

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Another long work day had just ended for me. Today I had to model for Angelic Pretty for the new dress they came out with. I was glad that not only did I get a discount, but I also really enjoyed what I did. Most nights I would go straight home, take a long bath and watch a movie before going to sleep, but tonight I was going to see my mother.  It has been awhile since I last saw her even though she lived not far away. But my work as been busy and so has hers.

It was a fairly chilly night to be walking, but I was thankful the  dress I chose to wear had long sleeves. I know, I know. I went to model for sweet lolita for the day and I am wearing gothic lolita when not working. See, I get tired of always having to model one style daily. So I always change it up.

It did not take me long to get to my mother's work at all. I walked into the building she worked at and began to make my way to her office. Her coworkers already knew who I was, so they never stopped me. The door to my mother's office was wide open, which was uncommon, but I did notice a girl. I tapped my knuckles against the door lightly, causing my mother to stop talking and look at me. A wide smile broke across my mother's face as she stood and walked over to me.
"Jasmine! What a surprise!" She said, giving a hug to me.
I hugged her back and giggled "Hello mother. Nice to see you to"
My mother sighed in happiness as she stepped back to look at me.
"Oh my. Where are my manners. Jasmine this is Reimi, the sister to a member of a band that just sighed with us. Reimi this is Jasmine, my daughter."
"Nice to meet you Reimi." I said, bowing my head slightly.
"Likewise" Reimi replied.
The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward, but my mom was the first to break that.
"Why don't you two talk while I go get us some tea." My mother said before walking out of the room.
I shyly moved to the empty seat beside Reimi and sat.
"Sorry if this seemed rushed, but how old are you Jasmine?" Reimi asked.
"Oh. I'm twenty. How old are you?" I replied.
Reimi smiled at me and moved closer "I'm twenty as well!"
"You are?!"
"Hai! I am. So, what do you do for work?"
"Ummm...I'm a model for three popular Lolita brands"
"Yeah.  I model for Baby The Star's Shine Bright, Alice and the Pirates, and Angelic Pretty. "
"That's amazing!"
"Thanks! What do you do for work?"
"Oh well I am a designer"
"Now that's cool!"
"Oh thanks. You know I am not normally like this around people I just met. I am pretty shy and quiet. But  something about you interests me"
I smiled and propped my elbow on the arm of my chair and rested my head in my hand. "People say that a lot when they meet me, but honestly I am the save as you. Very shy and I hardly talk to people I don't know."
"If you bring out good sides of people, I should introduce you to my brother. Maybe you could get him to smile!"
"Does he not smile?"
"He used to a lot, but now it's rare when he does"
"Oh...I'm sorry"
"It's fine! Speaking of my brother, I should get going. I have been here longer then I said I would."
"Okay. It was nice meeting you"
"Same. Hey let's swap info. I would love to hang out more."
I nodded happily and grabbed my phone from my purse as Reimi did the same. We handed out phone's to reach other and put out contact info in. We even took a picture together to use as a caller ID photo for each other. After finishing and giving our phones back to one another, we said our good byes and Reimi made her way out of the office. I guess she ran into my mother because I heard the faint sound of their voices before my mother came back.
"Did you to get along?" My mother asked, handing me a cup of tea before sitting herself where Reimi sat.
I smiled and nodded yes as I brought the cup to my lips. The warm taste of green tea, brought back childhood memories of the tea parties I did with my mother.
"We swapped information so we could hang out some time" I told mother.
"That's great! You need a friend to hang out with instead of your old mother"
"You aren't that old, plus I enjoy your company!"
"Ah my Jasmine. You have always been so sweet, but honestly you need to hang out with girls your age more rather then hanging out with me or being alone"
"Don't worry mom. I think Reimi and I are going to become great friends. We clicked right after you went to make tea"
"Oh that's wonderful! Listen, I am going to finish some work then I will drive you home. I won't be long!"
My mother smiled and kissed me lightly on the forehead before standing up and moving over to her the chair behind her desk.
I remained silent as I drank my tea so my mother could work in peace. My mind kept on thinking about how fast Reimi abd I clicked. She was interesting and I could not wait to know her more. But I was also interested in knowing about her brother. She was sad taking about how her brother's smile is rare and honestly it saddened me to knowing that something bad must have happened to make it that way.
But besides that, I had a feeling a great friendship was to start.

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