New World

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"Notch, we're not naming our child Budder, Sky!"

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts so bad."

"It's so weird, feeling her move inside of me. I can't wait till she gets here, and I'll finally be able to hold her."

"You're going to have to cut her out of me. I don't have the energy to push. It's the only way. Please, Sky! I can't let her die."

"I can't wait to sing this to her when she's finally here. When you play Mine, Mine, Minecraft; sing it with me Sky!"

"We both know that I'm not going to make it through this. I want you to let her know how much I loved her though, and that I'm sorry it had to be this way."

"Sky! Sky! Come here! I can feel her, she's kicking! Say hi for your Daddy sweetie."

"Please, please, I just need to hold her. I need to hold my daughter just once before I die."

"Ugh, you're impossible. You'd think after months you would give up, but nope! For the last time, we're not naming our child Budder, Sky. We can name her something similar though. Hmm... how about, Aurelia?"

"I love you Sky, I love you so, so much. And don't you ever forget that."

Sky sat in the remains of what used to be the Team Crafted base, surrounded by dead mobs and fallen recruits. But at that moment, he cared not for any of that, as he held the dead body of his lover in his arms.

Off to the side stood one of Sky's most trusted friends, Tyler, otherwise known as MunchingBrotato, who had found Sky just as his daughter had been born. As well as Mitch who was barely alive from the birth.

Tyler had immediately rushed to his friend's aid, but Mitch had stopped him and had said that he only wanted to hold his daughter before he could breathe his dying breath.

Tyler only sat in silence as his friend, whose stomach was cut wide open from the birth, held his daughter in his arms, kissing her on the head, and professing his love to his lover one last time before breathing his final breath.

As his friend sobbed over his lover's corpse, Tyler had made it his duty to watch over the child as he left his friend to grieve.

Tyler had originally been sent to let his friends know the good news, that the battle against Herobrine, Sky's father, was over. But he came across a more sombre site instead.

Rather than informing his fellow members of Team Crafted of Mitch's death, Tyler knew that it was his duty as a friend to watch over his friend and protect his daughter.

The Battle against Herobrine had originally started because Herobrine was not accepting of Sky's love for the human known as Bajan Canadian. Sky, not taking no for an answer, had officially left the depths of the Nether where his father's kingdom was, and instead chose to start Team Crafted with Mitch.

For years, they lived in peace, thinking they were all safe from Herobrine's wrath, but no one was prepared for the battles that were to come. For months they fought and lost against Herobrine, and eventually, Mitch was forced to leave the fights after he found out he was pregnant with Sky's child, something that neither of them were expecting to happen.

But, Seto's magic was never wrong, and thus the two expecting parents, as well as Team Crafted and it's recruits, all prepared for the coming life.

It was joyous at first, and everything was going perfect, until tonight when Hereobrine led an unexpected attack on the Team Crafted base. 

Mitch had unfortunately been captured by Herobrine and was used as bait to lure Sky into a trap where father and son finally confronted each other. 

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