Start from the beginning

"I do?" Saint questions.

MC nods her head frantically. "Yes sir! It's a matter of life or death!"

"For whom?"

"Our friendship," MC says as she shoves the box into his hands. "If you want to be my friend, you must appreciate the gift of Pocky, green tea flavored of course."

Saint looks her up and down. "Right. It would only be natural."

She smiles brightly, causing Saint to smile back. He picks up a Pocky stick and places the green snack into his mouth, nodding his head in approval after a few seconds.

"This is pretty good."

MC claps her hands excitedly. "Now we can be besties!" She cheers. "I can already tell that you're a cool guy."

Saint blushes slightly. "How can you tell?"

She points to his blue Converse with the fire design on them. "No boring person would get such cool shoes!" She also points to the many rings on his fingers. "Or have such awesome taste in jewelry." She reaches out and plays with a strand of his curly hair. "Or have the most amazing hair I've ever seen!" She bites her bottom lip. "It's so soft."

Saint plays with his earring. "Thanks," he mumbles, embarrassed.

Before MC could answer, the teacher walks in. He smiles when he notices MC talking with Saint. He walks over to the two and smiles at MC, holding out his hand for her to shake.

"Hello, Ms. Tanaka, I'm Mr. Jordan."

MC smiles brightly and shakes his hand enthusiastically. "Hello Mr. Jordan!"

His eyes glance between the two teenagers. "I see that you've met Mr. Donovan. He's new to this school just like you."

MC turns to look at Saint with a look of surprise. "You didn't tell me you were new."

Mr. Jordan smiles at the two. "I'll leave you two to get acquainted."

MC flicks her hand. "We're already past acquaintances, Mr. Jordan. Saint's my new bestie!" She claps her hands happily as she bounces in her seat.

The teacher nods his head. "Of course, Ms. Tanaka. Have a fun time being besties." With that, he walks over to his desk.

MC takes a bite out of her snack again. "So Saint, where are you from?" She hands him another Pocky.

Saint takes a small bite out of it. "I'm from Australia."

MC gasps. "That's so cool! That means that you've, like, seen a kangaroo before, right?"

Saint smiles. "At the zoo, sure."

MC tilts her head to the side. "You have a pretty smile," she says just before the bell rings, signaling the start of class.

The teens look to the front of the class when Mr. Jordan starts talking.

"Okay everyone, first we're going to peer review each other's homework. So just choose a partner and get started."

Immediately, Bellatrix gets up from her seat and walks over to Saint, holding her binder close to her chest. She has developed a little crush on the tall, curly-headed boy. He is in many of her classes and is always nice to her. She especially likes his cute smile, the one he gives her whenever he sees her in the halls or sits in the seat next to him. She takes a deep breath and taps him on the shoulder.

"H-hi Saint," Bellatrix greets shyly.

Saint smiles, the cute one that makes butterflies erupt in Bellatrix's stomach. "Hi Trixy. What's up?"

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