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   "Thank you for doing this Kacchan." Izuku whispered shyly, placing his bag in the backseat of Katsuki's car. The younger then hopped in the passenger seat beside Katsuki, putting his seatbelt on soon after. "If worst comes to worst I have my friend on speed dial to pick us up if we both get wasted." Katsuki chuckled out, pulling out of the collage parking lot.

Izuku leaned back in his chair, fiddling with his fingers a little as he tried to create conversation. They hung out before so he was sure that it wouldn't be hard to do so once again. "Kacchan....your collage is really nice! All the photos displayed behind the display cases were amazing! And that had me thinking about what your photos are about? Ah, sorta like what inspires you or your theme of photos? Sorry I'm just rambling...." Izuku mentally facepalmed, he wanted to ask Katsuki what inspires him to take photos but instead he gave him a whole history lesson about his simple question.

Katsuki pondered a little bit, cocking his eyebrow in slight uncertainty. "I guess I like taking photos of calming areas, places with little to no people. Nature surprisingly inspires me despite the fact that I hate most bugs." Katsuki glanced at Izuku for a little, blushing when he seen the younger so fascinated by his answer. "When we get back do you mind showing me a photo or two?" Izuku shyly asked with a smile. Katsuki desperately kept his eyes on the road, heart feeling like it was gonna pop.

"I don't see any problems with that. Speaking of which you reminded me I have a project due next week." Katsuki said, sighing once he got to the last part. Izuku hummed in acknowledgement, warming up to Katsuki once again. The ash blonde soon cleared his throat, stepping gently on the breaks once they encountered a red light.

"Do you perhaps endorse in some art too?" Izuku questioned as he got more intrigued with Katsuki's personal hobbies. Katsuki looked at Izuku's shining face before looking back at the road since the light turned green. "Only durning class. It sorta just happens y'know?" Katsuki mumbled softly. Izuku nodded his head, dreamily sighing.

"Kacchan is so cool..."

The words slipped through Izuku's mouth by complete accident, the younger squeaking in embarrassment once he recognized the sentence that flew from his mouth. Katsuki felt his face heat up, hearing not only a compliment but also a super cute noise out of the blue. "L-Like you know! Super cool at photography!! Its super cool that you can do that!" The younger flailed his arms around, face extremely red as he tried to justify himself.

"Well thanks I suppose. I'm extremely flattered." Katsuki finished with a chuckle, Izuku burying his face in embarrassment. "I guess you're cool too. You can draw and shit and that's honestly impressive." Izuku uncovered his face, a doubtful expression appearing on his lips. "Eh...it's alright, it's not the best compared to the other people in my class." A soft chuckle left Izuku's lips while he fidgeted with his fingers a little.

Katsuki on the other hand nearly slammed on the breaks to tell Izuku to value himself and his works and to never compare himself to others. But instead he kept his cool and took a deep breath. "In order to find love for your art, you should never compare yourself to others. You and you alone are the one with the unique style, nobody else has your skills nor your style. You are the only person who can draw like that and since nobody else can then is there really a point in comparing yourself to others?"

     Izuku felt his heart ring through his ears as the car halted to a stop due to a red light. Katsuki looked at the younger with a small smile, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. "Nobody is you. The only work you should compare your art to is your own, that way you can improve since only you know your strengths and weaknesses." Izuku didn't know which was better. The fact that his crush just told him that his art is special in its own ways and made him value his art skills a little bit more or the fact that Katsuki was giving him advice while looking hot.

    "I never...I never thought about it like that. Thank you Kacchan." The elder just shrugged as the started driving once more, making a left towards the supposed bar they'd be hanging out at for the rest of the night. "Anytime, oh these are your friends right?" Katsuki mumbled, pointing at the group of closely huddled collage students.

"Yeah! I should warn you, when they get drunk they all get loud as rowdy..." Izuku said, ending with a chuckle. Katsuki nodded with a grin, turning into a parking lot. "I think I have enough practice to deal with that." Izuku mumbled a small 'ok' as Katsuki put the car into park.

    The two got out the car and met up with their group of friends. "Izuku and Katsuki's here! Finally we can get this show on the road!" The voice was of course Mina, the girl bouncing up and down with delight. Uraraka laughed before softly gasping. "Alright quick meet and greet for our new friend Katsuki. Yes, we're all your friend Katsuki you can't back away from it now." Katsuki sighed as Uraraka pointed to everyone here.

   Of course there were a few more people here than usual due to them being free during the weekends rather than the weekdays. The brunette cleared her throat as she started off at Mina. "Her name is Mina, she's the girl who got your number. This is Iida, he's the boss at  the coffee shop that Izuku works at, Todoroki, he's honestly a sarcastic rat who doesn't do shit but stay in his room. This is Momo, she's basically our mom and we're finally gonna get her drunk out her mind. And I'm Uraraka, Pretty much a chill girl who's the coolest out of everyone here." Uraraka stood up straight and tall while Izuku snorted.

    "You're probably the meanest person here, our drunk passed out bodies will most likely be on your instagram story by time we leave this place." Uraraka pouted while Todoroki nodded in agreement. "I'll also be trying my best to stay sober tonight but will partake in some drinking." Momo said softly. "Whatever you say Momo, anyway I'm ready to get this party started!" Mina cheered as she started to lead the small group inside the bar. "Kacchan I should just warn you." Izuku whispered to the ash blonde gently.

   Katsuki averted his gaze to him, watching as he scratched his head a little. "I-I have really bad self-control around alcohol so excuse me for my rash behavior tonight." Izuku mumbled, voice trailing off a little.

Katsuki brushed it off and just chucked. "I doubt it isn't as bad as it seems." Izuku just nervously chuckled while Katsuki was rather excited to see a drunk Izuku.

I mean, it shouldn't really be that bad right?


Drunk Izuku! Drunk Izuku! Drunk Izuku! Drunk Izuku! Drunk Izuku!-

Drunk Izuku! Drunk Izuku! Drunk Izuku! Drunk Izuku! Drunk Izuku!-

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