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The next day Izuku was determined. He already made Katsuki's ice coffee, he just hoped he wanted it. He also hoped that Katsuki would come with his friends so it wasn't so awkward around them. The plan was for Izuku to scribble down his number on Katsuki's coffee cup so they could get to know each other even better.

Izuku fixed his apron as he handed a random guy his coffee. "Have a nice day sir!" Izuku chimed, looking around the coffee shop frantically for anyone with ash blonde hair.

Still no luck.

The freckled male swore time never moved so slowly before, anxiously waiting for Katsuki to walk through the door. He sighed as he stirred sugar and creamer into another customer's coffee, adding some whipped cream to the top and poking a straw through it all.

"Here you go ma'am! Enjoy!" Izuku chimed as she gave him a smile back. Izuku sighed as nobody walked into the cafe doors for a while, doubting if Katsuki would return for a second time. It wasn't until the door jingled he saw him. "You must really like this place Bakubro." One of his friends chimed while Izuku's attitude literally brightened up.

"I like the coffee here...it tastes different than the other places." Katsuki mumbled as he made eye contact with Izuku. The ash blonde waved slightly before asking the others what they wanted. Izuku felt his face flush as he tried his best to calm down.

He needed to calm down for his plan to work.

"Why hello there Kacchan! Let me guess, you want an iced coffee?" Izuku desperately tried to play it off in a cool way and it clearly seemed to work. "Of course Deku. I'll also take a frappe and a Cappuccino." Izuku smiled shyly as he rang up Katsuki's order. Katsuki handed over his money with a smile as he waltzed over to where Kirishima and Kaminari were.

"You seem in a better mood than this morning. What's up?" Kaminari chimed as he played with a napkin. "This place has a relaxing atmosphere that I never feel around you guys." Katsuki replied watching as both Kirishima and Kaminari pouted a little. "You gotta be lying right." Kirishima said with a slight frown while Katsuki just rolled his eyes.

After much more conversation about collage things and overall messing with Katsuki, Izuku had their coffee ready. He carefully walked over to Katsuki's table with a sweet smile and handed them their coffee before dashing back behind the counter. He nervously watched as Katsuki drank his coffee, also saying sarcastic remarks to his friends.

It wasn't until he looked at the cup and found writing scribbled on it. Izuku kept adverting his glance between Katsuki and the cafe doors as he watched his reaction. The ash blonde felt his heart throb as he took out his phone and added the number to his contact.

For once a smile stretched across Katsuki's lips as he stood from the table. "I'll be right back. Touch my fucking coffee and I swear I'll break your fingers." Katsuki retorted as he left the table. He walked over to Izuku with a smirk, quickly forming a plan in his head so he didn't sound like an idiot.

"You know...in order to complete your contact I need a picture." Katsuki said slyly taking the slight pink on Izuku's face as a good sign. "Oh, ok! You can take one of me right now." Katsuki internally heard the victory alarm go off in his head as he took a simple picture of Izuku.

He cropped it for his contact photo and softly smiled, sending a million volts to Izuku's heart. Just as he was gonna think the freckled male, his friends came running up to him making Katsuki frown slightly. "Yo Bakubro! We gotta bounce! Kaminari forgot about a group assignment." Kirishima said with slight panic in his voice, handing Katsuki his coffee. The ash blonde sighed as he waved at Izuku. "See you later I guess." Katsuki said as his friends literally pushed him out the door.

"Y-Yeah! You too!" Izuku shouted just as the doors closed. Izuku felt a gooey smile appear on his lips as he fought the urge to jump all around the shop. He was slowly making his way to the friend zone and prayed that he'd be out of that zone fairly shortly.


I want rice

Specifically white rice

Specifically white rice

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The whipped cream to my coffeeWhere stories live. Discover now