Chapter Twenty-Five: Finality

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Icy fear cut through my chest, stealing my breath. What was going to happen to us now?

 Kunj's voice boomed through the room in the darkness. "This party is over! Everybody leave!"

Then I heard Darshan order everyone out. The lights finally went back on to reveal the  disgust on everybody's faces. They were looking at us like we were the scum of the earth. 

"Is this how they raise their kids?"

"How disgusting!"

"An open marriage? They should be ashamed."

"My daughter saw the whole thing, how am I supposed to explain that to a child?"

"The girl is from America, isn't she? Must have been raised the American way."

My cheeks burned, but my chest was cold and my stomach churned. Everyone poured out, leaving me and my in-laws, Farhan, Preeti, Vivaan and my parents. Kunj's men stood behind us in a half circle. We stood in the center like an animal caught in a trap. Everyone stood back and stared at us- even Vivaan.

"So this was your game," Kunj said in a quiet voice. He knew he had me right where he wanted me. "You still blame me for Sanjana's death, so you decide to ruin my family's honor, is that it? Asking for forgiveness- that was a lie, wasn't it?

"You gave me that disc to put in there." Despite my chin being held high, my voice wavered. 

Still, that wasn't enough for Kunj. He wanted to break me down more. He gestured to me and looked my dad. "Look at her. Looking me straight in the eye and blaming me. Show some respect. Have some shame! You have ruined this family's reputation!"

Kunj's eyes remained on my dad, so I had no choice but to look at him too. I immediately wished I hadn't. His jaw was clenched and a vein throbbed near his receding hairline. Next to him, my mothers eyes were full of tears. Dad walked up to me. I held my breath and waited, but he didn't say anything. 


And then his hand shot out, whipping straight across my face with a slap that made my ears ring. I stumbled and automatically cringed away from him, tears springing to my eyes as I cupped my stinging cheek. He hadn't hit me like that since I was a child, when he could slap me for lying and spending time with boys who had just been my friends. 

"Hey!" Farhan moved to spend between us. "You can't-." One of Kunj's men came and grabbed him from behind, keeping him away. 

"Farhan, don't," I said. 

My dad looked at him, and it seemed like he was about to yell at him when Kunj came up from behind and put a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Sharma, I think it's best that you and your wife leave. Let us handle this." When Dad didn't reply immediately, Kunj gave his shoulder a squeeze. "You can go back home. Leave tonight."

Dad nodded, glaring at me once more. "Do whatever you need to do with her."

"Oh, I will." 

No. What did that mean? "Don't leave," I blurted out, looking from Dad to Mom. 

Dad went to her and began leading her to the front door. "Let's go."

Mom hesitated, looking at me with worry. "But- Aditi. We can't-."

"We are leaving."

"No." More tears came to my eyes. "Don't leave. Mom, please!" 

Mom began to openly resist. Dad took a hold on her by the elbow and pulled her to the door. "They'll teach her a lesson and fix her," he assured her.

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