Chapter Nine: Hello, Stranger

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"Oh, dear!" Jayanti jumped to her feet and rushed towards me. "Are you okay?"

I barely heard her, I could only see Farhan. His dark eyes were fixed on me. I tore my gaze away as Jayanti took my bags from me.

"Aditi, are you okay?" she repeated.

"I-I'm fine," I stuttered. "It just slipped. Sorry."

"That's fine. I'll clean it up. You go and freshen up, we have a guest."

My eyes flicked back to Farhan. I didn't let myself stare too long. I turned and rushed up the stairs, almost stumbling over them. In my bedroom, I shut the door behind me and leaned against it. My heart was beating too fast. What was happening? How did Farhan find me? Did everyone know? But Jayanti hadn't appeared angry.

I rubbed my face, trying to pull myself together. Whatever was happening, I had to be ready for it. I dabbed my face with some water, and combed back my hair again. Taking a deep breath, I walked downstairs.

The coffee was now cleaned up, and Jayanti sat back on the sofa with her husband and the others. Vivaan and Farhan's eyes traveled to me as I made my way now the stairs. Both their faces were unreadable. I hesitantly made my way to the sofa, taking a spot beside Vivaan.

"Welcome back," he said, a smile stretching across his face. I didn't smile back, and searched his eyes. They were trying to tell me something, but I couldn't tell what. "How was your day?"

I could see Farhan from my corner of my eye, it took everything not to look at him. I forced a smile. "It was great. I think that beauty shop might take me."

"Good. That's good. Aditi, I'd like you meet my old friend- Arjun."

I paused. For a second my numb brain was like "Arjun? Where is this Arjun?" until Vivaan gestured to Farhan.


"I'm meeting him again after so long," Vivaan said, meeting my eyes. "He just came back from America."

I looked at Farhan, who gave a good-natured smile. "What can I say? I was starting to miss real Indian food."

Vivaan chuckled. I flinched when he reached out and took my hand, as if it was a habit of his. I saw Farhan's eyes dart towards our hands, then look away just as quickly.

"I insisted he stay with us until he goes back," Vivaan said. "He won't listen to me. Please, Aditi, tell him to stay here."

I glanced between him and Farhan. When I didn't say anything, Vivaan squeezed my hand. "Please," I said, looking at my ex-boyfriend. "You must stay."

Farhan smiled, though I could see it was forced. "I don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense," Darshan said suddenly. "A man like you will be good company for my son. Where else will you go? If you stay here, you will get real food cooked by Jayanti. You don't want the hotel food." Farhan glanced at everyone, then silently nodded. Darshan clapped his hands together. "Then that's settled. You must be famished. Jayanti, serve him lunch. Go upstairs and freshen up. I want you to consider this you own home while you're here."

We all stood up. Jayanti went towards the kitchen, Darshan following behind. When no one moved out of the three of us, I gave both men a meaningful glare and strode up the upstairs, hearing them follow after a beat.

I considered going to our bedroom, but it would appear strange if Darshan or Jayanti found us there. So I headed towards the guest bedrooms, where I found one with all of Farhan's bags sitting in there.

I spun around and faced Vivaan and Farhan as they came inside. "What is going on here?" I focused on Farhan. "How did you find me?"

"I called him here," Vivaan said.

The ArrangementOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora