chapter 35 || can we talk?

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"Is that all what you have to say for the situation?"

You nodded.

The prosecutor closed his notepad. "Thank you for complying to all the questions I've asked. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You must be pretty traumatized, huh?"

You shook your head. "It's fine. As a hero, I would've experience similar situations like this at one point."

"You're really mature. U.A students are really taught well, huh?" You nodded again.

"Alright, thank you, miss (Y/n). You may leave now."

You bowed as you left the interrogation room and out of the police station. You grabbed a taxi.

"Nearest hospital here, please?" You politely asked to the driver, as he nodded.

It has been a few days after you were rescued. The days felt long as they interrogated you at the situation. Nothing has been confirmed yet about what will happen to the rest of the League of Villains, but probably they will be sent to a special prison for villains only.

After a few minutes, you arrived in front of the hospital. You headed inside and asked the lady there.

"May I help you?" A girl asked. You noticed her name was Celia, looking at her name tag.

"May I ask what room is my dad staying at? His last name is (L/n)."

"Oh!" She exclaimed and typed something on her computer. "He's at the floor where only VIP can stay. Room 301." She read out.

You bowed. "Thank you."

Heading to the elevator, you looked through the numbers, realizing you don't know what floor is for the VIPs. You panicked a bit, as a boy who looked like a few years younger than you went in to the elevator.

He pressed the 5th floor, as the door begin automatically close. You put a finger on your chin, thinking what floor could've he's staying at.

"D-Do you need any help?" You looked at the boy beside you. Messy hair and glasses, he looked pretty shy and smart.

"Sorry. You must be startled. I know a lot about this hospital. Are you perhaps confused about something?"

You were in your senses again. "Ah, about that.. I don't know where the VIP floor is. What floor is it?" You asked the boy.

"Is that were you headed?" He pressed the number 20. "The VIP is always located at the topmost."

"Ah, okay," you nodded.

"Do you always go here?" You asked him curiously.

"Uhm.." he probably didn't expect for me to start up a conversation. "My dad's a doctor here, so I sometimes work here, to help out."

"Oh, cool!" You smiled. "I guess you're close with your father, aren't you?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"How about you? Is your dad a celebrity or something?" He asked.

You chucked. "He's the CEO of a company. (L/n) Corps," you explained, as he gasped.

"Wow, that's a pretty big company.." you smiled humbly.

"It's nothing, really. He's a hard worker after all, just like your dad is a doctor. It takes a lot of effort to be one."

You both continued to chat for a bit up until he had to go to the 5th floor. We both waved goodbye, before the elevator automatically closes as it is headed up to the 20th.

You got off as it reached there, and headed to room 301.

You knocked, before heading in.

You greeted him, as he greeted you back.

"How's my daughter?" You went over to him to give a hug.

"I'm fine, how about you, Dad?" You asked him.

"I'm also fine." He smiled. Your smile became a frown, as you hit your head disappointedly.

"Ah, I should've bought you something! Hospital food is kinda icky," You exclaimed. "The interrogation was pretty long today, so my mind has slipped.."

He rubbed your hand. "It's alright, honey. You can buy me something when you visit me again."

You smiled. "Thank you for understanding."

After that, you both chatted. It had been years that you didn't get to talk with your father about your life, so it felt pretty good being able to talking comfortably after the kidnapping situation ended.

"Also, I thought you said you didn't want to be taken to a hospital," you asked. "You said you were fine, right?"

"Yeah," he replied. "But my assistant kept telling me to get checked in case I was drugged or something. It was kind of annoying, so I did what she said."

You chuckled. "That's because she's your assistant. She's worried that maybe you won't be in good health, taking care of the company and all that."

He nodded in understanding. "That's true."

"You should be lucky you have someone who cares for you."

He smiled, as you looked at the time.

"Sorry if I have to end this quickly. I need to get home. Mina will get worried if I get abducted again."

He laughed. "Alright, goodbye."


You left the room and headed towards the elevator again. The thought of you going back to the dorm safely with your classmates made you feel happy and relaxed.

You headed out of the hospital and caught the face of someone familiar. You quickly recognized the ash blonde and the noticeable red eyes as he stepped closer to you.

"(Y/n)," he said with his deep voice.

"Can we talk?"

Hope you noticed the crossover hehe

(P.S If you read my short story "Just a Little Longer", you'd understand)

Anyway, thank you for still reading up until this point. I'm glad people still enjoy (I hope) reading this even if I'm not a good writer :)) I promise I'll do better in the future.

Sadly, this book is gonna end soon already :(( Less than five chapters

Happy reading!! :)

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