chapter 28 || familiar

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You felt your soul leaving your body as you realized that you weren't with your father all along.

It was just a clone of him.

"Haha! Your face looks so cute when you're in shock!" The girl laughed. "Pretty surprising I'm here, isn't it?"

"H..Himiko..Himiko Toga?" You've finally remembered her name, as she cheered in delight.

"Right! You're (L/n) (Y/n)! It's been a while isn't it?" She smiled.

I have no time to be shock at this point. I need to get out before it's too late.

You tried opening the car door but it was locked. You also tried opening the window but you couldn't open it.

"You don't even have to try," her voice changed to a darker tone. "It's not like you can escape in a moving car on a mountain-"

You punched the window as hard as you can, leaving it broken into many shards of glass. The blood coming out from your knuckles didn't seem to faze you as you tried to escape.

Toga then started playing with the steering wheel, going from left to right over again which resulted to the car moving like a zigzag way, which launched you back to the seat out of balance.

"Having fun?" She continued to do that which made you feel nauseous every second.

There's literally no way for you to escape at this point, but you're not willing to give up this easily.

"I know you're trying to find another way out, aren't you?" She states as if she just read my thoughts. She brought out her phone and dialed someone.

"I can call for backup, then you won't even have to do-"

You knocked out her phone and in shock, she lost her control of the car and almost crashed the car unto the mountain. Her reflexes were fast enough as she noticed this as she succeeded in controlling the car.

"Are you trying to kill us both?" She asked as she laugh hysterically.

"Honey, I'm okay with dying but are you, though?"

She grabbed her phone and put it in her pocket.

"Alright, alright, I'm not gonna call them anymore. Before we know it, we might even die before arriving. I don't wanna upset Tomura."

"What do you want from me?" You asked in a serious tone, trying to conceal your fear.

"You'll see," is what she just said. "It's not my place to say anything."

At this point, you thought that following her orders will be the best decision for now, even if it sounds mediocre.

You both continued to drive in silence until you arrived in a some sort of base as you assumed. It was well hidden as it is in the mountain.

You followed her and gestured me to come in front of her.

She suddenly noticed my phone in my back pocket as she took it out and threw it on the floor. She stepped on it, breaking the phone completely.

"That's better." You watched her kick it off the mountain as she pushed you inside their base.

You are in the middle of nowhere, being kidnapped by the villains and having no one to ask for help. You silently prayed that some miracle will sweep you off and finally go back to your dorm with your friends peaceful

But you don't think that's going to happen sooner.

You and Toga headed inside. It was a dimly lit tunnel with only torches as source of light every feet ahead. Yoou slowly followed her through it until it reaches to a single door on the end.

She knocked, which you noticed is a kind of pattern, probably to let them know it was her or something. She opened the door after a few seconds.

It was still kind of dark inside, but few of some familiar faces were there, but you couldn't lay a finger on them.

"She's here!" Toga yelled loudly as every head look towards you. You've never felt so intimidated in your life.

"You don't have to yell," a blue-eyed boy with black hair and scars said in a deep voice, emitting blue fire with his hand. You somehow were reminded of someone as you saw him.

"Toga!" A man in a black and gray costume ran towards her, his hands were open wide excitedly.

"Twice. Don't get too close to them." A bored yet scary voice said aloud throughout the room. You looked and you recognize then yellow pale skin and blue hair along with a pair of a fake hand on his face.

"Sorry.." Twice apologized as he stepped back.

"Shall I escort her now to the cell?" A girl comes up to you, a smile plastered on her face. Her pink hair gave it away as you recognized her from the camp.

"You may, Tokuda," a dark purple mist man allowed her. She told you to follow her, as you obeyed without saying anything.

You gave them all a look once more before looking towards Tokuda.

She opened another door, showing a very steep staircase downstairs. She walked down the stairs in ease as you had to hold onto the railings every step before you misplace your foot and fall down.

She watched you struggle. "Need help? You look like you're gonna fall any second."

You ignored her as you focused going down. After what it felt like days, you've reached towards the end.

"Ignoring me now, are you?" She put on that annoying smile.

She continued walking, you walking behind her.

"This is your cell," she pointed towards an empty room. It looked like those jail room scenes in those movies. There are walls on the sides and iron bars on the front. But they didn't matter to you as your focus was on a man in a suit beside your cell.

"Familiar, isn't he? He looks the same, doesn't it? Just a little bit tired.." she exclaimed as you covered your mouth in shock.

You witness your own father trapped in a cell, looking at you with pure sadness and guilt. He held onto the iron bars as he saw me.

You went towards him as you held onto his hands. Your gesture kind of shocked him.

"What are you doing here?" You asked confused of the situation. You then looked towards the girl angrily.

"Hey you, cotton candy girl," you called out the girl.

"You could let me in here, forever if you want," I said. "but you have to let him out of here."

She clapped her hands. "How brave you are! Sadly, we don't do that here. Never, actually."

"We're not stupid as you might think," she grabbed your collar harshly.

"Now, go back to your cell. You don't want to face the consequences." She dragged you to the room and dropped you there. You breathed heavily as you felt your lungs are about to collapse.

She locked the door in your room. Before you headed out, you grabbed onto your shirt.

"Don't even look down on me," I whispered. "I'm stronger than you think."

She grabbed your arm and let it go, the grip on her hand was enough to leave you red marks. She walked away, muttering something to herself, before she headed towards the stairs and leaving us both here.

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