21 | you plus me is bad news

Start from the beginning

"Blimey, Hermione, you're a sight for sore eyes!" the sweet witch tittered, appreciatively glancing at the brunette from head to toe. A teasing smile bloomed on her face. "Are you going on a date today?"

"NO!" she exclaimed almost immediately. Dorothy quirked an eyebrow at her vehemence, prompting Hermione to blush and look away. "It's not like that."

The other Ravenclaw hummed, looking like she didn't believe her at all. "So, anyway, I just came back to tell you that James Potter's been lurking in front of the Tower," she said, that knowing grin still on her face.

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise. "What?" she gasped, glancing at her small clock once more and noting it was only nine in the morning. "But it's too early!"

Dorothy quirked an amused eyebrow as Hermione gathered her things and stumbled out of the dormitory. The airy common room was still packed with students, because it was weird to get to Hogsmeade earlier than ten in the morning. Most were still lazing around and hanging out with their friends. Of course, since she was in the Ravenclaw Common Room, there were diligent students buried under huge tomes of books at the desks.

Her footsteps faltered as she neared the entrance door. Hermione nervously tugged the ends of her braid, calming herself down. She told herself again and again that this was just some harmless hanging out between two friends. Granted, one had an irrational crush on the other, but that was beside the point. The point was, James was already dating Lily and he wanted to thank Hermione for helping him finally win the girl.

Mustering the Gryffindor courage she knew she had never lost, Hermione pushed the door open and stepped outside.

It was easy to find James, his form now towering over the other scuttling fourth years behind him. He was pacing, deeply nervous as he kept on running a hand through his hair, ruining whatever style he had worn prior to arriving. James hadn't noticed her yet and Hermione faltered, her blue eyes secretly admiring the clothes he had chosen to compliment his looks. James and Sirius had started dressing in a mixture of Muggle and Wizarding clothes alike; something about rebelling, Sirius had once pointed out.

Today, James was wearing Muggle jeans and a rich, burgundy turtle neck she knew would have cost a fortune. Draped over his shoulders were thick, silk midnight blue casual robes, she didn't doubt would feel very soft to touch.

Merlin, he was annoyingly dashing today. Hermione bit her bottom lip to stop a groan from bursting out.

"Hi," she called out instead.

James suddenly skidded to a halt and twisted around, facing Hermione completely. Unfiltered surprise crossed his features as he beheld her, his hazel eyes painstakingly drifting from her head to toe, before snapping quickly back to her eyes. "You look... um, I mean..." He trailed off and ran another nervous hand through his hair.

Hermione's heart fluttered at his reaction, secretly pleased that she had chosen to dress up today.

For him, Merlin help her. Hermione Granger would be very disappointed with her.

She dispelled such thoughts and gave him a small smile in greeting. "You're here early," she pointed out. "I thought you said we'd meet at 10?"

His face flushed, a sheepish smile growing. "I woke up very early today," he confessed. "Couldn't sleep even if I tried. So I decided to get ready and – well – here I am."

Hermione looked at him in surprise, unsure how to interpret his words. She did exactly the same thing this morning, with reasons she knew she shouldn't have. Was James that excited to tell her that Lily had finally agreed to date him?

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