Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

"Because I have seen enough of everything in my life". Sen said,"Bumi knows the rest of you wouldn't be able to handle seeing him in a critical condition, that is his only reason". Sen said.

Everyone became silent at that. The wonderful atmosphere that they had earlier was now gone.

"I'm coming with you". Aang said,"Bumi was my friend too".

"No, you will not". Sen said,"You and Katara need this time together, it's been awhile since you two have been together so don't drop it just because of something that I was summoned for".

Katara sighed,"I hate to admit it but Sen is right".

Aang looked torn, he felt uneasy about the situation. Bumi was his last old friend other than Sen and it felt wrong just leaving him while he enjoyed himself, it just didn't feel right.

"Aang, he'll understand". Sen said,"I don't think he would want your last memory of him being in his death bed but he wants you to remember him as the vibrant man we know him as. I will let him know how much you all care about him".

"When will you leave?". Zuko asked.

"As soon as possible". Sen said,"There's no telling how much time he has left".

Then he got up to leave the room.


After having small talk with almost everyone to reassure them about his journey to Omashu, he finally found himself in the courtyard where he found Zuko preparing Appa's saddle for the long journey to the Fire Nation. The news of Bumi being ill hit everyone pretty hard, even for those that didn't know him that well. When Sen found Zuko with Appa outside, he knew that now was the perfect opportunity to tell him about his mother even though he knew he was probably going to hate him after this.

He approached the young Firelord who was busy tying the reins on the bison's reins.


Zuko looked down from the bison's head.

"Huh? Oh, hey Sen".

"Do you have a moment to talk?". Sen asked.

Zuko jumped down from Appa and dusted himself off before looking at the Airbender with attentive eyes.

"Yeah, go ahead".

"I know that this feeling of finding your mother again has you overwhelmed".

Zuko smiled,"Overwhelmed, yeah sort of. But I feel like she's close by".

"Yeah, I feel she's close by too". Sen said.

Very, very close in fact.

"That's why I decided to take Azula with me so that we find her together". Zuko said,"It's been eight years since I last saw my mother, Sen. Just seeing her again will make me happy and hopefully she'll come back home and everything will be back to the way-".

"I know where your mother is!". Sen blurted out.

Zuko looked stunned.


Sen sighed,"I know where your mom is. I've known her location for eight years now".

Zuko had an unreadable expression on his face. His eyes were wide and his jaw hung in shock.

"Zuko, I know you're probably mad-".

Sen cut off by a punch across the face and he fell to the ground with a grunt, he looked at the ground for a seconds before looking up at the Firelord who towered over him with clenched fists, eyes that were slits and burning gold irises.

" You knew the location of my mother BUT YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!!!". He yelled.

Sen held up his hand to calm him down.

"I know you're angry but there's a good reason why I kept quiet about it".

"What reason?! What was so important that you had to keep my own mother away from me?". Zuko asked.

"She asked me to keep her location secret until the time was right, okay? Your mother was in danger during that time and I didn't want to take chances".

Zuko was about to burst out in rage but kept himself calm and inhaled and exhaled to keep his inner fire from flaming out. Iroh's training never left the recesses of his mind and they always helped when it was necessary.

"Where. Is. My. Mother?". Zuko asked in a low voice.

"Hira'a". Sen said,"Where she used to live".

Zuko then stared at Sen for a few moments before walking away.

"What have I done?". Sen said to himself as he got to his feet and leaned against Appa's shaggy fur.

Appa only grunted in response.

"I know, Appa. I know".

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