Chapter Sixty One

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Aang was sitting under a tree in the garden of the Beifong Estate, he was in a lotus position and was deep in a meditative state. He was still drained and the pain in his head hadn't faded since coming to Gaoling, it also didn't help that he couldn't contact someone from the Spirit World.

"Struggling?". A voice broke his trance.

He opened his eyes and stared into the beautiful ocean blue orbs of her, he smiled at her but it was strained.

"Yeah, I just don't understand what's going on".

"Aang, you should rest". Katara tried to persuade him.

"I can't sleep". He admitted in a defeated manner,"Everytime I close my eyes, I keep seeing visions of disasters happening that I'm not aware of".

"Aang, I'm sorry. Wish I could help somehow". Katara said before putting on a determined face,"But I'm your wife now and that means I have to take care of you".

Aang was about to smile but he quickly gripped his head and hissed in pain, his eyes also briefly flashed a glowy white. Katara scooted back a few inches when she saw the flash of white, she had to be careful because the disasters were putting him in a maniacal state.

"Don't trigger the Avatar State, please". She begged softly.

"I'm sorry. It's the only way to escape the pain". Aang grunted as he leaned into her lap.

"I know". Katara said hugging his body,"But I'm here, see me as your way of ending the pain".

It seemed to help slightly, being close to Katara made things more bearable for him.

"Aang, I just remembered something". Katara spoke up while soothing him.


"After the minister pronounced us husband and wife, we didn't have our kiss". Katara pointed out as a naughty smile formed.

The Avatar allowed a small smile to pop out.

"Do you want to have it now?". Aang asked.

"If you would like". Katara blushed as she looked away.

"Well, by the power vested in me. I pronounce us husband and wife". Aang preached.

Katara leaned her head down and kissed him, the young Avatar smiled against the kiss as the pain started to fade and he enthusiastically returned her passion.


Poppy Beifong watched with a frown as the young white haired airbender grunted in his sleep and gripped the bedsheets with intense power until his knuckles turned snow white, she sighed and slowly used a damp cloth to wipe off the excessive sweat on his forehead. She then placed her hand on his forehead and felt the extreme heat radiating off of him, she knew it was a fever and decided to slowly wipe his forehead again with the cloth.

Then Suki rushed in with a bowl of water, she placed it on a stool and turned to address the woman.

"Sorry I took so long". Suki breathed heavily,"I was looking for Katara to cool the water down".

"No worries, Suki". Poppy smiled,"He's still here".

"How is he?".

Poppy looked down at the airbender before smoothing out his white hair with her hands.

"Still no improvement". The noble woman replied,"He hasn't even opened his eyes once".

"I wonder how Toph is taking this?". Suki wondered.

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