Chapter Sixty Three

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"Ugh! Walking seriously stinks". Aang complained.

Suki laughed with her hand covering her mouth, Sen rolled his eyes and turned to stare at his younger fellow airbender.

"Come on. Makapu is not much further". Sen said, a smirk making its way up his lips.

"You think he'd be used to it after all the running from the Fire Nation?". Suki put in.

"Right". Sen said putting in a slight tease.

"Okay, I get it. But to be fair, we had Appa then". Aang defended himself.

They took an air ship to the small town but decided to land it a few miles back, they didn't want to alarm anyone.

"Oh, I see it!". Suki exclaimed as they got closer.

They walked up the path that led to the town before entering at gate entrance, they noticed how damaged some homes were but despite that they noticed how positive the atmosphere was because everyone was either smiling or laughing.

"Wow, didn't expect this much positivity". Suki remarked.

"Some people deal with heavy issues in their own way". Sen said before he decided to walk in.

Then, Aang noticed Aunt Wu a few feet away talking to a few field workers.

"Hey, it's Aunt Wu!". Aang exclaimed before running toward her,"Hi, Aunt Wu!".

"Who?". Sen asked.

Then he glanced at Suki who shrugged to show she didn't know either.

Aunt Wu noticed the young Avatar running toward her before she excused herself, she smiled before she hugged him.

"Aang, it's good to see you again". Aunt Wu said before she looked up at his approaching friends,"And your friends".

"Oh, this is Suki and Sen. You haven't exactly met them yet". Aang said with a smile.

"Well, it is nice to meet you". Aunt Wu bowed.

"It is an honor". Sen bowed back.

"It is good to meet you too". Suki smiled with a bow.

"So, I suppose you might have heard of the trouble we're experiencing as of late". Aunt Wu said as she looked of the side.

"Yes, we figured we might try to find out what's going on". Sen said as his face got serious.

"Well, I hope you do because there have been a few disappearances and du-".

"Wait, disappearances?!". Suki interrupted.

"Yes. Some of the townspeople have been disappearing with every weather related issue". Aunt Wu explained,"We don't know why".

"Spirits". Aang and Sen both said at the same time before they glanced at each other.

"Spirits? There haven't been spirit sightings ever since you ended the War four years ago". Aunt Wu said with confusion.

"That's what we thought too". Aang said as he stared at the damage of the town more closely.

"Well, she should probably get settled in before we do some investigating". Suki broke in. She was extremely exhausted after all that traveling.

"Ah, yes". Aunt Wu said remembering something,"Please, follow me".

They began walking again. Sen slightly turned to stare at the volcanic mountain in the distance, there were dark clouds surrounding it and he noticed bits of lightning going off.

"Yes". Aunt Wu responded noticing where his gaze was,"Mount Makapu has been surrounded by those clouds since this whole issue started".

"That's not normal". Sen said with narrowed eyes.

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