Chapter Sixty Six

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Azula felt her eyes opening and she quickly covered them with her left hand as she felt a bright light penetrate them, once her eyes adjusted she looked around and saw the unconscious forms of her friends around her. She studied her surroundings and saw that they were in a large chamber room, there was a rug that they were lying on, a giant master bed to the side and a gigantic bookshelf behind them and there was a mirror on the opposite side of the bed. There was a large window that had large curtains draped elegantly around it, sunlight streamed into the room.

The princess hurried to Katara and started shaking her.

"Katara. Wake up, Katara!". Azula said.

"Hmm?". Katara mumbled as she opened her eyes and looked around and allowed her eyes to adjust to the bright room."Where are we?".

"I don't know". Azula replied.

Toph was the next to wake up as she slowly opened her eyes, Sokka groaned and started to wake up as well and he started to stretch his back out.

They all got to their feet and looked around in curiosity.

"What's up with the giant bed?". Toph asked.

"Huh?". Sokka asked.

"You can see that?". Katara asked.

"Of course, I can se-". Toph stopped in mid sentence as she turned to face her friends.

"What?". Katara asked.

"I can see you, guys. I CAN SEE YOU GUYS!!!". Toph ran over to them in excitement,"Whoa, this is amazing!!!".

Katara looked alarmed as Toph started to caress her face and stare at it.

"You can see us? How?". Sokka asked.

"It must be this place. There's something about it". Azula said looking off to the side.

"Oh my spirits, Katara. You are so pretty, you never told me you were this pretty. Look at those blue eyes, those barely visible tiny freckles just below your eyes". Toph said as she continued to violate her friend's face.

Katara could only smile at her friend's excitement. She was happy for her.

"Wow, Sokka! Nice muscles, you have a handsome face too. You eyes are so gorgeous like Katara's, I can't believe it!". Toph said touching Sokka next.

"You know, workout and a good diet". Sokka gloated.

"If you call eating a lot a good diet". Katara smirked at him and he glared at her.

Toph then approached Azula.

"No, no. Don't even think about it!". Azula warned.

But Toph already grabbed her face and pulled her down for a closer look, the princess struggled but the young earthbender was quite strong.

"Azula, you are so hot. I can see why everyone is afraid of you, that glare you're giving me right now is terrifying. Those golden eyes of yours are so beautiful". Toph said touching more of her face,"No one ever told me you were this gorgeous, just that you were crazy and a monster".

"You want beautiful, go look at yourself in the mirror". Azula said in desperation.

"What?". Toph asked as let go of Azula's face.

"She's right. Go look at yourself, Toph. There's a cute girl waiting for you on the other side". Katara smiled.

Toph was hesitant about her looks and she wasn't sure she wanted to see herself, Sen and the others always said she was beautiful but what if their definition of beauty was different from hers.

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