Chapter Thirty Three

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Toph was fiddling with her wedding ring as she and the rest of the group made their way through the town known as Hira'a, Toph wanted to get this over with as soon as possible so she could go back to her metal bending academy. Her fiddling with the ring became more vivid and evident, she did this often when Sen was not around her and it helped to calm her nerves.

"You miss him, don't you?". Katara asked as they continued walking.

"No". Toph replied.

"You know, it's okay to miss someone". Katara said,"It doesn't make you any less of the the person you are".

Toph sighed,"Okay, I miss him. I miss him a lot, you happy now?".

Katara smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder,"Baby steps, I guess".

They then noticed Azula and Zuko standing by a crowd, they got close and realized that a play was going on. Katara heard small laughter and looked to her right and saw Azula and Zuko laughing and talking about something.

"I made a better dragon emperor". Azula said.

"I don't get why I had to be the dark water spirit everytime". Zuko replied.

"Dragon Emperor? Isn't this the play that Sen hates?". Suki asked.

"Love amongst the dragons, yeah its this play". Zuko said.

"Father and mother used to take us to see it and Sen would usually tag along". Azula said.

"I can see why he hates it". Katara said staring at the corny actors.

"Excuse me?". A voice said.

They all turned to see a man with grey hair which he kept in a ponytail, he also held a theater mask in his hands as he smiled at them.

"I see you like the play that we set up for the town". The man said,"My name is Noren".

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Noren". Zuko stepped up,"You've been staying in this town for awhile, right?".

"Yes, I have".

"Do you know where I can find Ursa?".

Noren looked surprised.

"Ursa? I haven't heard that name in years".

"So, you know her?". Zuko asked.

"Yes, but it was a long time ago". Noren replied,"Why don't you join my family and I for dinner, I'm sure Noriki would love to have guests over".


Sen didn't like being in the palace, knowing that his old friend was going to die any moment. He thought this through while he took a sip from his cup of tea, he mostly ignored the people that were around him. While he was there, he made sure Bumi ate enough and was hydrated enough, he also made sure the king took his medication on time. Making him eat was a challenge, since he was ill he didn't exactly have an appetite which worsened his condition, it made him lose grip on reality and the people around him.

"Master Sen?".

Sen looked up. His eyes were red from all the crying he did and the lack of sleep he inflicted on himself, even the official was concerned at this point.

"King Bumi's condition is worsening".

The white haired airbender sighed. Whatever he was doing wasn't helping and he knew it, losing hope was the only option he had left.

"I'll go check up on him". Sen replied.

The physicians in the palace were all utterly useless, nothing they did worked and Sen wondered if this was an inside job to take Bumi off the throne. But despite the medication not working, Bumi was strong and still held on, if having a full conversation with him while he's bedridden is anything to go by.

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