Chapter Eight

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A few days later, Ursa and Ozai were married but the young girl was not happy about it. Sen was not happy about it either, he thought that Azulon was just gonna pick another noble girl from a good family. He watched as the guests enjoyed the wedding reception party, they laughed and talked but Sen was not interested in their little cheery mood.

Then he noticed the bride walking toward him. He knew she was going to come talk to him eventually, he knew he could not get out of this.

"Do you have a moment to talk?". Ursa asked.

They headed for a table that was vacant and far from curious ears, Sen looked around anyways just to make sure.

"Okay, go ahead". Sen said giving her the all clear.

"What did Ozai mean when he said that I would never see my parents again?". Ursa asked.

"What?". Sen asked.

"Ozai told me a while ago that I will have to say my final goodbyes to my parents today". She said.

"Oh yeah. About that....".

Ursa frowned,"Sen".

"I tried. I really tried but Azulon doesn't listen to me these days anymore, he is his own man now". Sen said.

"Well, what does this mean?". She asked.

"Ozai was telling you the truth". Sen said,"As a princess of the Fire Nation, you now have a responsibility and duty to the palace and to avoid distractions, you must cut all ties with your family".

"I can't believe this?!". Ursa exclaimed in a hushed tone.

"I tried to change Azulon's mind but no, he thinks he doesn't need me anymore". Sen said,"I don't know why he still keeps me around. He could just have me executed".

"I wonder how Ikem is doing?". Ursa pondered.

"He didn't look too good when you left". Sen said,"But please, don't mention Ikem in front of Ozai. You know how he feels about people below himself, he could have Ikem killed if he wanted to".

Ursa buried her head in her hands. She didn't think her life would turn out this way, she was already feeling tired from standing all day. How was she going to cope in the coming years?

"Ursa. Sen". Iroh called as he walked up.

"Hello, Prince Iroh". Ursa greeted with a smile.

"No need to be so formal, my dear". Iroh smiled,"Just call me Iroh, besides we are family now".

Ursa smiled.

"I would like to take it upon me to properly welcome you to the Royal Family". Iroh said.

"Thank you, that really means a lot". Ursa said.

Iroh nodded before facing Sen with a smile.

"Master Sen, it is always a pleasure to have you here with us". He said,"I hope you remain with us even in the coming years".

Sen smiled,"I'll always be here when the family needs me the most".

Iroh smiled at this.


When Zuko and Azula were born, Sen thought that things would remain the same but he was wrong in this regard. Zuko was a calm child and he was easiest to handle as the years went by, he was playful and had a carefree spirit. Azula was a different story, she was a biter. She literally bit everyone who got too close to her, even Zuko and her own mother. The only people she liked were Sen and Ozai, no one knew why this was so. When she was a baby, she shocked everyone when she crawled toward Sen when he was reading a book in the library. The servants were too afraid to take care of her, they referred to her as too evil to handle.

Sen was meditating in the turtle duck garden when he heard commotion a few feet in front of him, he opened his eyes and saw a three year old Azula on top of a five year old Zuko and the young prince was screaming in pain.

"Oh, spirits". Sen sighed,"What now?".

He got up and walked up to the two children, he kneeled down and looked down at them.

"What's going on here?". Sen asked.

"Azula is biting my finger!". Zuko cried.

"Azula, get off your brother". Sen said.

When the three year old heard those words, she immediately got off of Zuko and sat on the ground and looked up at Sen with a smile. Sen sighed and scooped her up and gave her a little tummy tickle which earned a laugh in response.

"Why did you bite Zuko, Azula?". Sen asked,"He is your brother, you should be nice to him".

Azula only stuck out her tongue at Zuko and blew a raspberry in his direction. Zuko scowled at that.

"Azula, stop!". Sen said.

As if on cue, she stopped. She smiled at Sen and hugged his neck tightly.

"Seriously, Azula. The biting needs to come to an end". Sen said.

Azula pouted,"But is fun".

"Not if people get hurt". Sen said,"Come on".

As he carried Azula, he held Zuko's hand and led them out of the garden. Azula was a nightmare for Zuko and not a day passed where he didn't have bite marks on his hands and fingers, Azula was a handful and it took guts to get her to behave. Ursa was astonished as too how much Azula listened to Sen instead of her, it made her feel envious about the situation.

"There you are". Ursa said, as she met them in the hallway of the palace,"I hope these two weren't trouble".

"No, they were fine for the most part". Sen smiled.

"Mama". Zuko said, running up to Ursa.

"Oh, my brave boy". Ursa smiled hugging him tightly.

Sen smiled when he remembered the memory of Azulon running into Firelady Hirohitaba's arms like Zuko just did, it gave him a sense of deja vu.

"I hope Azula was no trouble". Ursa said reaching for the girl.

Sen shook his head.

As soon as Azula saw her mother's hands coming for her, she leaned forward and landed a good bite on the top of her mother's hand. Ursa gasped and recoiled at that.

"Azula!". Sen scolded with a frown on his face.

"Why does she bite us, except you and Ozai?". Ursa asked, rubbing her hand.

"I have no idea". Sen said.

"Well, tell her that it's lunch time and that she needs to come with me". Ursa said.

Sen nodded.

"Azula, I need you to go with mommy, okay? You need to eat to grow big and strong. Will you go with mommy?".

Azula eyed her mother first before facing Sen and nodding at him.

"Good. Now go with mommy". Sen said,"And no biting".

Ursa took the three year old from Sen's hold and held her close.

"Oh, my little angel". Ursa said,"You must be very hungry".

Sen watched Ursa walk away with her children. To him, these little moments made him very happy.


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