Chapter Sixty Eight

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Sokka felt happy being in the arms of Yue, it was such a long time since he has lost her but now being with her again, it felt like he was dreaming. He never wanted this moment to end, but unfortunately for him it had to.

"Sokka?". Yue called softly.


"It's time. I need to go, the night is drawing near". Yue said lifting him up to look at him.

"But Yue, we just-" she quickly silenced him by placing a finger on his lips.

"I'll be here by dawn, okay? You also have a girlfriend to go back to. Remember?". Yue said with a smile.

Suki. He couldn't believe he forgot about her.

"Yeah. You're right". He sighed deeply.

"Come on. Let's go meet your friends". Yue said taking the first steps outside into the hall.

Sokka followed her wordlessly.


The sound of voices could be heard throughout the hall, they were protestant and full of annoyance.

"Hey! Watch the armor". Suki's voice came through.

The Orogoi spirits were all dragging them through the hall, for them it was an unknown place so they were hesitant to enter but the Orogoi had other ideas.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!". Aang exclaimed as they were being dragged.

"Watch the robes! These are made from fragile material". Sen explained.

"I'm the Firelord, you can't treat me like this!". Zuko yelled.

Then they were all thrown forward into the hall, they grunted from the impact before looking up and seeing a tall human figure looking down at them. He did not look amused in the slightest, Aang shot him one of his famous Goofy, chatming smiles but that only made the spirit narrow his eyes even more.

"That will be all. Now, leave!". He told the Orogoi spirits.

The Orogoi silently bowed before blitzing into thin air.

"They're even worse than the Dai Li". Aang said silently.

"Avatar, I see it has taken you awhile to get here". The spirit spoke up before eyeing everyone else,"Fitting that your friends being in danger was what brought you here faster".

"I would have been here sooner but you s-"

"Enough. There is much to be done, you have already wasted enough time". The spirit said turning to walk,"Follow".

The group followed him without any protest.

"Who are you anyway?". Suki asked in curiosity.

"I'm TianKong. Spirit of the sky, I'm not well known in your world but I'm very much prominent in the universe". The spirit said.

"The sky spirit, huh? So, are there more like you?". Sen asked.

"You already met one after the Genocide, did you not?". TianKong stated slightly turning to acknowledge him.

"The Air spirit". Sen said with a downcast look,"Yes. I have".

Aang gave him a sympathetic look and silently patted his shoulder. Sen recovered and smiled at him.

They were led down many halls before they reached a wall, TianKong turned to look at them with crossed arms.

"You'll find your friends through there". He said gesturing at the wall.

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