Chapter Fifty Nine

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That day in the Jasmine Dragon, everyone was lounging around in the lounge room. Aang and Sen were still trying to get into the Spirit World which was hard since something was still blocking them from entering, the rest of the Gaang watched them with casual looks.

"You think they made it?". Mai asked.

"Doubt it". Zuko frowned,"I think they lost their stuff".

"Probably from spending too much time with the girls". Sokka said jokingly.

"I did notice a change in their auras recently". Ty Lee explained,"They're more bleak".

"You really believe in auras?". Katara asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe they need to go to a spiritual place". Suki spoke up.

"Ugh! We can literally hear every word you're saying!". Aang spoke up breaking his posture in annoyance.

"Seriously, guys". Sen sighed.

"Are you two okay? Your heartbeats are beating a little too slow for my liking". Toph asked a little concerned.

"We're fine". Aang smiled at her.

Before Toph could answer, they all staggered as the Jasmine Dragon started to shake violently. They all heard screams outside as the entire area started to have an earthquake, Sokka looked outside and saw people running around as infrastructure started to break apart. Sen looked up and saw Toph gritting her teeth and hugging herself.

"Toph! You okay?".

"Too many vibrations at once". Toph responded softly with agony in her voice.

Then she got into a stance and dug her hands into the ground and started to twist them around the earth. Everyone started to notice how the shaking started to stop slightly, sweat trickled down her forehead as she tried to slow down the shaking.

"What are you doing?". Sen asked.

"Slowing down the earth slightly". Toph replied as she continued to struggle.

"You can do that?". Aang asked her.

"No, I can't". Toph responded as the shaking finally stopped.

"Wow, that was amazing". Katara said in wonder as she looked outside.

"Yeah". Mai agreed before looking at Toph.

Toph was panting a little from exhaustion. Sen looked a little concerned, his wife had never shown to be out of breath from anything so this was new to him. He hugged her and she quickly latched onto him, she was more affection toward him now that the veil of doubt was removed from them.

"We need to put an end to this". Zuko said,"If this keeps up, these natural disasters might destroy the places we already helped fixing".

"How do we stop flooding and earthquakes exactly?". Ty Lee asked.

"We still have a situation with Yakone to handle". Suki reminded everyone.

"Don't bother". A voice said from the doorway.

They turned and saw Sun standing there with a smile.

"Sun?". Aang asked.

"Your Uncle let me in". Sun told Zuko.

"What do you mean she shouldn't bother?". Sokka asked.

"Yakone disappeared last night". Sun frowned,"Left a note saying he was coming up with great things and might find a breakthrough".

"Great". Zuko said,"We don't have time for another wild goose chase".

"Yeah, we should put our focus on the situation at hand". Aang said.

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