Chapter Sixty Four

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The following day, Aang and Sen walked around the village to see if they could anywhere and they got more than they bargained for. People asked help for everything and they eventually got tired, after some time they decided to take a break and relax.

They walked around the edge of the solified wall of lava that Aang stopped a few years back.

"Can't believe you did this". Sen said referring to the solified lava wall.

"It wasn't exactly easy". Aang said with a sheepish smile,"Had to use a lot of cold air to cool it down".

"Impressive". Sen smiled.

"I wonder how the others are doing in Crane fish town?". Aang asked.

"Depends. If they made more progress than us, it would be great". Sen replied,"Still no word from them though".

"You think Mai is gonna be fine taking care of the Fire Nation by herself?". Aang asked.

"She won't be alone". Sen smiled,"Ursa's there too. And I'm sure she'll make sure everything runs smoothly".

Aang was worried for Mai, the two formed an unlikely friendship during these past four years and Sen could see the amount of concern he had for her on his face.

"Well, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary". Aang said as he checked around the area,"We should probably get to the top of the mountain and see what's up there".

Sen did a double take at Aang, before staring at him with wide eyes.

"What?". Aang asked notching his wide eyes.

"You want to go up there?!". Sen pointed to the top of the mountain which still was surrounded by dark clouds,"You do realize those clouds are not normal, right? If we go up there, who knows what might happen".

"All the more reason to go". Aang nodded,"We're here to help the people after all".

The young Avatar opened up his glider and was about to take off before he felt a hand on his wrist, he turned to stare at solemn grey eyes.

"I promised Gyatso I'd look out for you and that's what I'll do". Sen sighed,"So, let's go".

Aang smiled before they both positioned on the glider and took off into the sky.


Suki was busy helping Aunt Wu and Meng with the people that came to know about their fortunes, to say she was interested by all this would be an understatement. She pondered on her fortune being read but she figured that she would do it at a later time.

"What are you thinking about?". Meng's voice broke through her thoughts.

"Oh, nothing". Suki lied,"Just stressing about everything".

Meng seemed to buy it because she smiled and placed the bowl down that she was holding in her hands, then she decided to sit next to the Kyoshi Warrior.

"I heard you're with that Water Tribe guy that was with Aang last time they were here". Meng asked.

"Oh. Yeah, it's true". Suki smiled.

"Wow! I didn't think he'd have a girlfriend because of how much of a goof he was". Meng said in confusion.

"Actually, there's more to him than people actually realise". Suki said with a longing smile,"He's very sweet, funny and very brave. I was attracted to him once I met and got to know him better".

"Oh. I didn't ask this before but who's the guy with the white hair? Never saw him before".

"Oh, that's Aang's best friend from the Southern Air temple". Suki said,"He joined us during the time Ba Sing Se was almost taken over".

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