He stared at me and in an instant, stepped back, "He's playing with you! He doesn't love you! He's the-" he stopped mid sentence. "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! WHO THE BLOODY HELL IS HE?!" I screamed, as i stood up from my bed. "K! You know i can't tell you that," he said, apologetically as he stepped closer towards me. "Stay away! You are dad's puppet! You need to go and get a life! Paul is much better than you! I SHOULDN'T HAVE SHARED MY SECRET WITH YOU!" I yelled, as tears pooled in my eyes and flowed out. I pushed him out of my way and rushed out of my room as he shouted my name repeatedly. "I'M SAFE WITH HIM. MUCH SAFER THAN I AM WITH ANY OF YOU." I sulked, running out of the house. I sat in my car and called Cassie, but she just won't pick up the call. I slammed my palms on the steering wheel of my blue BMW and rested my forehead at the wheel. Then it struck me, i'll call someone who truly cares about me.

Picking up my phone from the side, i scrolled down my contact list to reach his number. Once i reached to his name, my index finger won't move to his name. Should i call him? Will he think i'm clingy? Where am i supposed to go at this time? What the hell am i supposed to do? I pushed all the thoughts crowding up my mind to the side, and clicked on his number. I put the phone on speaker and reversed the car to reach the road. Ring, ring, ring, ring... "Hey Princess! Missing me already?" His voice made me chuckle. "Grayson... are you free right now? I'm sorta confused. Can you meet me somewhere? I really-" My shaky voice was now turned to sobs. "Hey Princess, i'm right here. Park the car at the corner. Stop driving right now. I'm coming to get you.. Text me your location." He consoled me. I started to cry even louder and when i was unable to bear with the honking of the cars around me, i pulled over. "Can you meet me at starbucks on St. Lauren's street? I'm like at a distance of two minutes from there," i suggested, wiping my tears from my cheeks. "Coming in 5 minutes. Stay with me." He said, turning on his video. Mirroring his action, i turned on mine too.

I could see him driving recklessly so that he could reach me as soon as possible. "Grayson! You need to calm down." I warned, but he paid no attention, "GRAYSON!" I yelled at a higher voice this time. "I'm right here. I have great control over my vehicles." He smirked. He had his phone on his lap and i could see how focused he was while driving. His jaw line was continuously shifting and it felt as if he was grinding his teeth. "I see you," he said as his eyes lit up. Well, to be honest, my heart lit up. He parked his car behind mine and got off, he rushed towards the passenger seat and climbed in. He sat in and turned around to face me, his back against the door and his knee was supported by the seat while his other leg was hanging from the seat. "Now, tell me everything that happened." He ordered, placing his hand over mine. I mirrored his actions and shifted in my seat to face him. "I'm sorry, i'm sorry for getting you here in a hurry and risking your life with my stupid cries. You drive recklessly." I mused. "This is not what this is about. Tell me everything, and ya, don't you ever doubt my driving skills ever again. I've been driving since i was 12." He informed me. I chuckled in response.

"I really don't wanna talk about it i guess," i shrugged. He looked deeply in my eyes, "it's okay. I get it. Do you wanna go somewhere? I mean like.. spend the day with me?" He suggested, his voice full of hope. "Yes, sure! Of course. Duh!" I answered, searching for the correct word to fit in the situation. We started laughing and deep down i wondered that he was capable of changing my mood within minutes. How is he like this? Did he really meant what he said or was Swayer right about him? 'See for yourself!' My subconscious yelled at me with her hands on her waist.

I glanced over at Grayson who was laughing like a maniac, he looked incredibly hot yet cute,his eyes were scrunched and his hair was on his forehead in his usual messy way. I traced down to his chest that was moving in and out due to his fits of laughter. "Stop checking me out!" His cool voice broke me from my admiring-Grayson-Valachi session. "Huh! Why would i?" I responded, trying my best to make my voice sound innocent.

He laughed in a carefree style,in a way any 17 year old boy, gun-less boy would. What is it with him and guns and him and my family? "We'll take my car!" I said out of nowhere. He stopped laughing, "where did that come from?" He chuckled, "My princess being desperate as ever to spend time with me."
"You wish Gracy!" I snapped back.
"Okay, we'll park my car back at my place and then we can go somewhere, anywhere," he suggested.
"Fine by me, lead the way Gracy," i said.
He got off the car and walked back to his, he sat in and started the car. He overtook my car and drove in front of me as i followed him.

We reached his place, this time consciously. I noticed that his house was less like a house and more like a fort where the prince Grayson lives all alone, away from the world. He parked his car and got off and walked to mine. He stood at the drivers door, so i pulled down my window, "I'll drive." He said. I looked back from him to the windscreen, "Hahahah! No way." I snapped. "If you want to spend time with me, you'll let me drive," he shrugged. "But i don't let anyone drive my babies," i said, pouting and showing off those cute puppy dog eyes. "Won't work on me" He chuckled. "Whatever!" I said stepping out of the car. He made a i-win-like-always-because-i'm-a-spoilt-rich-brat face and climbed into the driver's seat. I walked to the other side and as i was getting in, i noticed a car standing a bit towards the woods. It felt familiar, but i ignored it and climbed in. "Okay so, there are rules; seat belt at all times," i said and he immediately put the seat belt on and gestured me to continue, "no reckless driving, no looking at me while driving and telling me where we are heading." I said, and he held up a thumbs up, "everything accepted, except for the last rule. I have unlimited surprises, you know that right?" "Yes sure, but...." I was stopped midway. "Do you trust me?" He asked. "Yes Grayson. I do." I replied back.

I could see the sparkle in his eyes as i said those words. "Okay princess, wait here! I have to get something," he said stepping backwards towards his fort. "Ummm.. can i have a hoodie or sweatshirt of yours.. like with a jeans... i don't wanna wear this dress and go on anywhere..." i murmured, as my fingers tangled. I saw his left eyebrow lift up and his mouth forming a slight smirk on his cute, devilish face, "Sure."

He accompanied me to his closet and handed me a cream coloured hoodie, "you can wear this, and i guess.. my jeans won't fit you, so like you can wear it as a dress because it's longer than your fairy dress at least," he smirked. I smiled at him, "Thanks Gracy," he smiled back, "and you can wear these shoes with these socks," he said picking up white shoes from the last rack and white socks from his sock drawer. "Don't worry, the socks are new," he chuckled. I laughed back at him and then he left me alone to get changed.

 I laughed back at him and then he left me alone to get changed

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His hoodie fit me well and it smelled like Grayson. I walked out of his room to go downstairs, "come let's go." He said standing by the door, leaning on the wall.

Hey guys!!!
Thank you soo much for reading
Hope you guys enjoyed this chap!

Any guesses who's car that was?

And where do you think will Grayson take Kaitlyn?

Something big is coming up in the next 2-3 chapters

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow

Stay tuned
I love you alll

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