Mr. Popular

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Hey guys!! Here's a new update for you guysss!!! Hope you like it❤!! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!
Above is a pictute of the hallway!👆🏻


*Kaitlyn's pov*

As i stepped out of the office...

I bumped into a hard chest of someone and fell down. I knew that the person had a strong built because my face was stinging due to the pain. As i was on the ground, i saw the person's shoes. The guy wore a pair of  LouisVuitton's new arrival shoes. My eyes traced up from his shoes, to his manly figure and up to his face.

His arms were covered with tattoos and silver rings and he wore an expensive looking watch. His neck too was covered with tattoos and for a moment i felt as if his whole body was covered with tattoos. His face was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen in my entire life. His green coloured eyes were staring back at me. I felt that i had seen him somewhere, but i wasn't sure where. After staring at me for a good 1 minute, he smirked. That is when i realized he was the guy from the parking lot.

He started to walk away with his three friends trailing behind him. I have no idea from where i got an adrenaline rush and too much confidence, which i later regretted. I stood up from the ground and shouted, "Hey idiot! Watch where you're going?! Firstly, you don't know how to PARK A CAR and then you don't know how to WALK!" I suddenly realized that i was screaming in the middle of a crowded hallway. I could hear people gasp and whisper.

He stood still in his tracks and then turned on his heels and started walking towards me, his eyes filled with anger and i realized that i had provoked him. With one sudden movement he pushed me towards one of the lockers and slammed my back. IT HURTS YOU IDIOT. NOW I'M DEAD, i thought to myself. He placed his arms on the locker, trapping me between them. I tried to push him away, but this angry bull just won't move. "LET ME GO!!" I screamed.

WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE LOOKING AT!! THIS AIN'T A DRAMA GOING ON HERE! SOMEONE JUST HELP ME!!, i wondered looking at the people who were all standing like statues and staring at us. He pierced into my soul with his beautiful eyes, his hot breath touching my face. He looked away from me for a moment, towards everyone in the corridor who was staring at us. And i have no bloody idea, why everyone started to do their work, leaving me trapped in this angry bull's arms. They all started leaving for their classes although there were good five minutes before the bell. DAMN! HIS JAWLINE!! HE IS HOT! I shook these thoughts away from my head and stared back at him.

He looked back at me and chuckled, HIS LAUGH! OMG!!! Then his face was straight and he stared back at me right through my soul. He brought his face even closer to mine, his strong smell tickled my nostrils. Then brushed his cheek against mine and whispered in my ear, "Don't you ever do that again, Princess." He gave a slight peck on my cheek and moved away from me. He turned back on his heels and walked away with his three minions who were waiting for him, leaving me  in the corridor all alone.

 He turned back on his heels and walked away with his three minions who were waiting for him, leaving me  in the corridor all alone

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I stood still for a moment and replayed the whole scene back in my head. WOW! FIRST DAY IN THIS HOUSE OF HORROR! I glanced at the clock in the corridor and i realized that i was 10 minutes later. BLOODY HELL!!! I rushed towards my Biology class. I simply apologized to the professor for being late and entered the class. He introduced me to the class, "Students, This is Ms.Kaitlyn Forbes and she is our new student"."Kaitlyn, you'll be sitting next to Mr.Grayson Black." He said pointing towards an empty chair next to WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!! NOT HIM AGAIN. 

As i walked towards the seat, i couldn't actually figure out his expressions. I puled the stool at the extreme corner of the table and sat down. He smirked, and pulled his stool closer to mine. I sighed, and he said "Nice to see you too, Princess." I ignored him, but through out the class, i could feel his piercing eyes on me.

Finally, the bell rang and i rushed out of the class, before the professor himself. I made my way to the girls' washroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror. WHAT THE HELL DOES GRAYSON WANT FROM ME?! I opened my purse and took out my lip gloss. I applied it on my lips and took a deep breath. I walked out of the washroom and to my surprise Grayson was nowhere near me.

The rest of the classes went by, and Grayson was not in them. I couldn't be more grateful to God!! Finally, it was lunch time and tbh, i was not at all hungry, but i still had to eat something, because you never know when you'll crash into Mr. Grayson. I walked towards the cafeteria and picked up a tray. As i stood in the line, a cute, bubbly girl who was infront of ne, looked back and smiled. She said,
"Hey! You are Kaitlyn right? The new girl."
I nodded and smiled,
"I'm Cassie! Nice to meet you."
"Hey Cassie! Nice to meet you too." I smiled at her.
"Wanna have lunch together?"
"I'd love to!" I exclaimed.
I was finally happy that i had met someone good in this house of horror. She picked up a plate of mac and cheese and waited for me. I picked up a plate of cheesy fries and together we walked to a table at the corner of the cafeteria.

We started eating our lunch and were talking about our families, hobbies and everything, when they entered. Grayson along with his 3 minions sat at the table in the middle of the cafeteria. Girls started surrounding them and they paid no attention to them.
"Yo! What was all of the thing in the corridor today?", questioned Cassie.
"Ummm.. it.. was n-nothing." I searched for words to say.
Cassie eyed me suspiciously, but i gave her a warm smile and tried my best to ignore the topic.

I turned to look at the table where he sat and i saw him staring at me, a playful smirk playing on his face. I immediately moved my eyes from him. Cassie said, "Hawtie is staring at you."
I didn't know what to say, so i just said, "Who are these guys anyway?". She looked at me, as if she was preparing for a long speech.
"These people are called 'The Serpents'. It's like a group name and these are the most popular and dangerous people of this school. Their fathers are business partners, and there are rumors that they are involved in some sort of underworld business. Okay, so you know Grayson, the other three are Francis, Landon and Sam." She said pointing towards each one of them.
"I have to go to the washroom, would you mind accompanying me? We can talk about them on the way." She said
"Ya sure! Let's go, anyways i'm tired of his gaze at me." I said, chuckling.

I never expected this to happen, but it did anyways.

Hey guys!!
Thank you soo much for reading.
Any guesses what's gonna happen next.
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