I want to make it worth your while

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*Andrew’s pov*


Boss, still no trace of her,” Roy said as he walked into the living room with his phone tightly secured in his hand.
Mr. Forbes was not in a good state of mind and he rubbed his hand over his face, “FIND HER!.” My dad walked up to him and rubbed his hand on his back trying to comfort him but it was of no use. He was as furious as the time he lost his own dad and was on the brink of going to kill the whole world to find out his daughter.

I would be lying if I said that I was not worried about her. Everyone here thought that she was kidnapped, but I knew that she had left on her own. Kaitlyn’s mom on the other hand, was in not the position to talk to anyone; it was as if the earth had been snatched from under her feet and she had lost everything.
“Boss, it’s Grayson’s birthday tomorrow.” Derek informed as he swiped his fingers on the screen of his phone.
Mr. Forbes looked up in his eyes, trying to figure out what was happening, when I spoke, “Figure out where he is tonight.”
Derek looked down at his feet, “Sir, unfortunately that is not possible.”
I could see Mr. Forbes raging up and if y dad hadn’t stopped him in time, he would have wasted Derek.
“I’ll do it,” I stated walking out of the house, unsure of what to do next.

*Kaitlyn’s pov*


he inside of the mansion was equally as beautiful as the outside. The interior was similar to Grayson’s house; everything was black. From the couches, to the walls; even the decoration items were black. It was straight out of the set of a Victorian movie that addressed the elegance of the color black.

“come on guys! Hurry up before the sun fully sets,” Landon exclaimed as we all kept our bags on the living room couches because he was too eager to rush out and didn’t let us go to our rooms. So, I was left wearing Grayson’s black tee and Cassie who came fully prepared was wearing a floral see through dress over her bikini. The boys on the other hand dropped button down shirts over their shoulders. I liked to call these kind of shirts ‘Hawaii beachy shirts.’

Heading out Grayson enveloped his hand in mine and walked beside me to take me to his car. All four of them got in their cars when Landon suggested that he and Francis should go in one, else they would get bored.
Grayson opened the passenger door with a smile plastered on his face and allowed me to sit in. He rushed to the other side and got in, his unbuttoned shirt fluttering with the strong wind, causing me to get a clear view of his perfectly toned abs that were covered with different tattoos. He buckled his belt and before he could notice me gawking at him, I shifted my eyes to the road ahead.

Cassie as expected got in with Sam, but before we could tease them about it they set off on the empty path ahead; we followed close behind them as Landon and Francis trailed us.
The island was full of green vegetation and scenic sites. The sun could be seen setting in the distance and the moon was up early, so the sky was a mixture of the most beautiful colors mother nature had blessed us with. The open roof car made it 10 times better, as now we could enjoy the sky over our naked heads. Grayson eventually slipped his hand on the inside of my thigh, his eyes burying inside mine, “You are so beautiful,” he whispered. I blushed at hearing those words from his mouth. Well, it was not just the words, his thumb drawing circles on my thighs added to the red on my cheeks.

He’s playing this game? My inner goddess smirked at the idea, and then somehow, I managed to put my hand on his thigh. I looked up to see his dumbstruck expressions, his breath hitched as he tried to calm himself down. A slight smirk appeared on my face as he struggled to think straight. He wanted to remove my hand, but at the same time he did not. He carried on driving after glancing towards me and noticing that I was staring at him. Why isn’t he giving me a reaction? My inner goddess got off her arm chair and stomped her feet on the ground.
Then it hit me, what if I started rolling my hand? Gradually I lifted my palm and placed it back, this tome slowly rubbing over the area. I heard a soft moan coming out from his mouth and he closed his eyes for a moment, completely forgetting that he was driving. Then it struck him, he opened his eyes, this time a cloud of darkness in them. He placed his hand over mine and slowly removed my hand. “don’t play the player, it never ends well,” he smirked, his voice still out of breath.

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