He was right about you.

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Hey guysss!!
Here's a new chapter for y'all!!
It's kind of a long one!

*Kaitlyn's pov*

I tried to get off him, but his firm grip around my body just won't let me go. He carried me all the way to his car which was parked right beside mine. He took me off his shoulder and opened the car door for me. I sat in the car and he buckled me in, he rushed to the other side and sat in the driving seat. "Okay so Princess, where do you wanna go?" He said caressing my cheek. "Would u mind keeping your hands to yourself." I replied as i pushed his hand away from my cheek. He frowned a bit and then put his hands up in surrender and smirked, "As u say princess! Now tell me where do u wanna go?"
"Well, u are the one who kidnapped me, so.... i guess, u should tell me where are you taking me."
He smirked, "Firstly, stop making me the bad guy who kidnapped you."
"Well, you are the bad guy...Now can we please leave this house of horror before anyone catches us bunking our classes."
"Okay then, let's go to a shopping mall." He replied.

He moved the car out of the parking lot, and said something to a guy standing at the main gate of the school. The guy just nodded, but his expressions seemed to be shocked and confused.
"Who is that guy, Grayson?"
"Umm.. umm.. you don't need to worry about it."
"No.. i need to know!!! Who is he?"
"Well, he is my bodyguard."
"Bodyguard? OH CRAP NO NO NO!! PAUL!!!" I started to panic, while Grayson eyed me suspiciously. I looked back and i saw Paul's car trailing right behind us.
"Grayson, please stop the car. I need to talk to him."

He followed my gaze through the rear view mirror and his face lifted up in anger. He pulled up the car and sighed.
"I guess, you need to talk to your bodyguard" He said, his voice filled with exasperation. I glanced at him for a moment and then stepped out of the car.
Paul's car stopped right behind ours and he too stepped out of the car, instead his face filled with uneasiness.
"Kaitlyn! What are you doing with that boy?"
"What do you mean Paul? He's my friend."
"He's.... He's not g-good for you."
"Listen up Paul! You have no right to tell me what's good for me and what's not." I said as i turned on my heels and started to walk away.
"Wait Kaitlyn! I am your bodyguard. It's my duty and responsibility to protect you. I cannot leave you alone with HIM."

I ignored him and kept on walking towards Grayson's car, but he was a trained bodyguard, so no matter how fast i try to walk, or even run, he would catch up with me and that's exactly what happened. He held my wrist, and said, "Do you have your pocket knife with you? Also would you mind if i talk to Mr.Grayson for a moment."
"How the bloody hell do you know his name?! And yes, i have my knife with me. Don't tempt me to use it on you!"
"Kaitlyn please, i need to talk to him. I'll tell you everything later."
I knocked on the passenger's window and Grayson pulled down the window for me. "Everything okay princess?"
"You owe me an explanation. Now get out of the car, Paul wants to talk to you."
He sighed, and in a moment, he was out of the car. "Kaitlyn, would you please go and sit in the car, i'll be there in a minute."
I frowned at him and sat in the car.

*Grayson's pov*

"Hey Paul." I said casually.
"Grayson! Your rivalry is with us, don't you dare drag Kaitlyn in this mess. She is innocent, she doesn't even know what business her father is in. I suggest that u would leave her alone."
"Listen up mate, i hate you guys for what you did to Jack, but i'm nothing like you guys. And yes, whereas Kaitlyn is concerned, i would never ever think of hurting her and i'm fully aware that she has no idea about her father's business. Also, she is much safer with me, then she is with any of you." Saying this, i turned on my feet and stomped back to my car leaving Paul standing shook, we drove away.

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