I miss him.

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Hey guys!! 💕
Here's a new chapter for y'all💓
We actually hit 400 reads! 🍾
I can't believe it!! It wouldn't have been possible without you guys!!
Here's a special thank you to each and everyone of you who supported me! 🥂
I love you all❤


*Grayson's pov*

I walked in Sam's house to see everyone exasperated. Dad looked up when he noticed i was there, "Son, where were you?" I gave him the same lame excuse that my boys had planned. He nodded and stared straight ahead on his mac's screen. All the others were also staring at the screen. I wanted to have a look at what it was all about, but i couldn't find the courage to ask. My eyes scanned the room in search of the boys, but i couldn't see them anywhere. So i finally spoke, "Dad, what happened and where are Landon, Sam and Francis?" He glanced up from the screen and stood up from his seat, "Son, we lost her." He said, with a dissaproving look in his eyes. I pretended that i had no idea what he was talking about, "What do you mean dad? Did you loose Forbes's daughter?" He nodded with his eyes on the floor. "It's okay dad! We'll get her some other time." I replied trying my best to make my tone sound normal and completely unaware of what had happened.

Sam's dad spoke, "Grayson, the boys are near the poolside. Go join them. I'll handle your dad." I nodded and walked away from them.

I passed the garden and reached the poolside where Sam, Landon and Francis were sitting by the pool with their feet soaked in the water

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I passed the garden and reached the poolside where Sam, Landon and Francis were sitting by the pool with their feet soaked in the water. They were all busy smoking cigarettes and teasing each other; atleast that's what i thought before i walked closer to them. "Guys, don't you think that Grayson can be in great trouble because of that Forbes girl?", said Sam. He had his back towards me so he had no idea that i was there, whereas Francis tried to tell by his eye expression, but Sam couldn't understand what he was trying to tell him. Once i was right behind him, I placed my hand on his shoulder, he shrugged, "Come on Landon! I'm only stating the facts." I smirked to myself and wondered that if he actually thought i was Landon, because Landon was nowhere to be seen.

I still had my hand on his shoulder when he turned around to face me by saying, "Landon! Did you wash your hands after coming from the washroom cause i can't feel them wet on my s-----hirt...... Holy shit! Grayson! Hey bro!" He struggled for words when he saw my eyes that were now enraged. I stayed still and he tried to cover up, "G-Grayson! I'm so g-glad you are here! We were just talking about how c-cute Kaitlyn and you l-look t-together. R-R-Right Francis?" He looked in Francis's direction waiting for a positice response from him. Francis stood up from his spot and without any response, stepped away from him. I removed my hand from Sam's shoulder and started rolling up my jeans till they reached below my knee. I sat down right beside him, dipping my feet in the water.

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