Start from the beginning

"It's exactly the time for it," Vivianne says coldly, "I will not let the Arrons walk free of this crime. This betrayal."

Betrayal. A word commonly associated with the Arrons. Vivianne shouldn't be surprised really. It is what they do. What they have always done. Anything for power. Anything to win.

"It is not up to you Vivianne," Pele says firmly, "and the assassin is dead, we cannot interrogate her and get a confession, there is nothing foolproof tying the other Arrons being complicit in Laura Arron's crimes. Not enough for any of them to be brought to proper justice for treason."

Vivianne goes to speak again but Pele interrupts, staring at herd "However," she starts, "because it is very likely that at least one of them was involved in Laura Arron's crimes, there will be repercussions."

"What repercussions?" Vivianne says icily.

"The Arrons will have to pay a very substantial sum to the crown and your family Vivianne, it is the best outcome we can get with the circumstances," Pele states, writing down a new things on her parchment, "we can use the money for Fennbirn's affairs on the Council and you personally can use it to prop up Queen Nalani's rule."

Not trusting herself not to snap again Vivianne stays quiet for a moment until she thinks of something else.

"I want to discuss our alliance further, I consider us friends now Pele after the years on the Council, I want to broaden our horizons," Vivianne says finally, going onto another topic. Business. Always thinking of her own future and that of Queen Nalani. Protecting her own as any queens guardian would.

An interesting prospect. Already Pele has allowed some of her warriors, including her eldest daughter, to help train Nalani. A little biased but it is a secret. Building trust and ties with the future queen crowned and it doesn't hurt that her and Vivianne were already friendly before.

Queen Nalani must win in Pele's eyes. The Arrons and the Radurons cannot be allowed to take power. And both hate Pele, especially that witch of a woman - Cierra. If Queen Arwen or Queen Carina take power then their Black Council's will be full of either poisoners or shadows who are all power hungry and not to be trusted.

It cannot be allowed to happen. It will undo all the work Queen Halia and Pele have done over the years to improve the island.

But before Pele has a chance to properly think Vivianne's new proposition over and reply the door bursts open.

"We'll discuss this properly later Vivianne," Pele quickly replies in a hushed tone and the elemental nods to show that she has heard.

Then High Priestess Corra enters in her usual robes, lined with gold and her gold rings, bangles, necklaces and the like decorating her like a second skin. It does suit her dark skin well. Not to mention her pretty braids in a fancy up-do today and with golden pearls decorating several of them. Ah. The wealth of the temple. The extravagance and vanity of the High Priestess.

Corra enters looking rather confident but that soon disappears when she catches the stern look on Pele's face. She bows, the movement looking so unnatural. Unused to anyone outranking her.

"I'm sorry for interrupting this meeting," High Priestess Corra, "but Queen Nalani has awoken, she's still in one of the guest chambers, and now I want to discuss the matter of Priestess Mab being severely injured by Queen Nalani."

"Oh Corra don't over exaggerate," Vivianne snaps but Pele gives her a look which makes her fall silent.

"Corra we are dealing with matters of the assassination attempt on Queen Nalani's life and other important matters yet you want to talk to me of a priestess whom the queen burned?" Pele says incredulously, shaking her head and her tone turns especially cold and dismissive, "do not waste my time Corra."

"But," the High Priestess begins but Pele interrupts.

"But nothing," Pele snaps, "Fennbirn has more important matters at hand than one priestess who was injured, as Vivianne says, trying to bring Nalani here against the queen's will. It's technically kidnap. So whose really at fault? To me it seems your priestess has committed the worse crime in this altercation."

Corra opens her mouth at that, looking like a gaping fish out of water and then she closes her mouth, annoyance flaring on her features. She clearly didn't think of that.

"So unless you want me to trial your priestess then our business is done," Pele says firmly, spinning her knife as she usually does and plunging it deeply into the wood of Corra's favourite mahogany table much to the High Priestess' anger.

"May I remind you that you are in my chambers as my guests," High Priestess Corra says slowly, trying not to bite. Trying to imply that she has the authority here. Foolish priestess.

Pele let's put a humorous laugh at that, making the knife retreat from the wood with her mind, "may I remind you that you are in my country as my guest," she says with a raised red eyebrow and Vivianne can't help but smirk when Corra's face falls, "I wouldn't want to banish you."

"You wouldn't dare," Corra snaps, forgetting herself for a second but then hastily says, "I apologise, I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes you did," Pele says softly surveying Corra with cruel amusement, "but don't worry because I meant my words as well."

"Is that a threat?" Corra says shakily.

"I don't like the word threat exactly, I consider it more a promise but yes if you like, it is a threat," Pele says, spinning her knife around her fingers again and then adds on dryly, "but if that is it, then I will be leaving because believe it or not I actually have a country to run."

The warrior stands at that and Corra automatically gulps. She forgets how tall and intimidating Pele Murtra truly is, especially with that blood red hair and all that weapons she constantly carries around, all polished and sharpened to perfection. She hasn't seen proper battle in years as she has kept Fennbirn safe but the weapons are always there, as a reminder, of the fierce warrior that she still is. Her skill with weapons is unmatched and everyone knows it.

Pele then gestures to the silent servant who had been observing in the corner. Just in case any refreshments and the like were needed.

"Prepare a carriage for Queen Nalani and Vivianne Westwood and get them refreshments for their journey back to Rolanth," Pele commands and the servant nods, obeying immediately as they practically scurry from the room to do the warrior's bidding.

High Priestess Corra looks like she's been slapped in the face, she clearly isn't used to her servants listening to anyone apart from her. It is an oddly humorous sight.

"Vivianne I will send some of my guards to accompany you and the queen back home, after the recent attempt I think we can agree that Queen Nalani's safety is of the upmost importance," Pele declares and Vivianne bows her head in thanks and says a few words of gratitude.

Without any words to the High Priestess, Pele spins on her heels and strides out of the room in her heavy boots.

Corra is still scowling and Vivianne only smiles at her when she catches her eye, provoking a reaction.

"You won't be smiling in the end Vivianne," Corra says spitefully.

Ah Corra. Still being bitter about her little scolding and being put in her place by Pele. Goddess knows how she became High Priestess with her sour temperament.

"Yes I will," Vivianne says softly, "when Nalani burns the flesh of your precious Arwen's bones and when she grinds Carina into nothing but mere dust, I will be smiling."

Vivianne still smiling, rises and starts walking away, though a malicious glint lingers in her green eyes which makes Corra oddly unnerved.

"When none but Queen Nalani's name lives on, your precious Goddess will be smiling too."

ONE DARK QUEEN ❖ (A Three Dark Crowns Tale)Where stories live. Discover now