52. Annoyed

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Sorry for not updating in my normal time frame, I had a lot going on being ill and my wedding anniversary over the weekend last weekend I've been married a whole freakin' year guys! Where has the time gone?!

Sumire out 🌸


Hermione came round a few hours later and woke up to Poppy bustling around the room, she was attending to a few first years that had blown up a potion, a fifth year who had somehow fallen off their broom and broken their leg all the while she was ignored.

By the end of the day Poppy finally came towards her, she looked so annoyed that Poppy had forgotten about her of all things, she had been knocked out!

The rest of the idiots could wait she was more important than anyone else!

"Ah Miss Granger welcome back to the world of the living, let's just run these tests to make sure everything is fine with you and then you can go" she ran her tests taking longer, much longer than normal to run her tests just so then she could waste her time.

"Well Miss Granger everything seems to be fine now off you go" and Poppy just walked off saying nothing more.

Hermione got up and walked out of the Hospital Wing in a huff going back to the common room, everyone ignored her and so she headed up to her room slamming the door.


In the Slytherin common room Otiz was in a foul mood and even Harry couldn't get him out of it, he knew something was going to happen to the girl and he wanted every part of it.

"Otiz Hadrian Severus calm down or I will bind you to the wall for a week!" said Harry getting up from between Blaise and Theo, walking to Severus' private rooms, locking it.

"What's happened?" everyone turned to Otiz wondering what had happened between the pair but all he did was sigh and then transformed into his animal form and headed up to bed.

"I never thought those two would fight" said Pansy to them.

"I know something must be up for them to act this way" said Theo getting up and heading to the dorm room only to be met with a snarling Otiz pacing back and forth, he could understand what he was saying he wouldn't be screaming right now.

"Get Hadrian here now!" said Blaise to everyone in the room, the commotion outside Severus' office was heard and both the occupants tan out to see what was wrong.

"It's Otiz! He's really mad about something" explained Theo who was now squished between Blaise and Draco shaking.

"Sorry Theo he's upset about Granger, that's all. He doesn't mean to do that honest to Merlin he doesn't, this just means I have to sort it out as he's very stubborn" said Harry leaving the group to talk to his familar.

"Otiz calm the hell down you almost attacked poor Theo!" said Harry when he walked into the dorm room seeing the pacing familiar.

"That monster is out to get you Hadrian and you know it, first the small ginger, then her brother, the idiotic old fart and now this.... wench! She is up to something I just know it and I can't put my paw/finger on it!

I'm sorry that I scared Theodore I truly am but I heard Lady Hogwarts complain about that girl and how she and the rest of them bullying you and now she is taking action.

The small ginger's wand being snapped was her, the brother losing his magic; that being bound; and being brought into the Muggle World, the old fart now being in Azkaban where he truly belongs and now the wench!

Ah picked on the dreamy looney girl in the library and so Lady Hogwarts attacked her, the wench is now out from Poppy and Lady Hogwarts can hear and feel her plotting against you!

She shall not harm you! Not in my watch!" hissed Otiz to Harry who only sighed and then flicked his nose causing him to whimper, he hated when he did that to him.

Changing back Otiz glared at him, "pray tell me Hadrian why you did that, you know my nose is sensitive and it hurts!" Harry just laughed at his familiar.

"You worry too much Otiz really you do, I have all my friends and my family to look after me, nothing will go wrong with everyone protecting me and from what you said about Lady Hogwarts and Lady Magic I'm more protected than ever before.

Don't let it worry you, ok I would rather have you like this, your calm self than the idiot that tried to attack my friend which I might add scared him senseless and with that I think you need to apologise to him if not I'm not talking to you for a week, plus no sweets and I can and I will restrict your raw meat supply".

Otiz glared at him, his glare was on par with Severus but it had no effect on Harry anymore living withe Severus made him immune to it all.

With a sigh Otiz got up from the floor from where he was sitting after he had changed back and headed back into the common room.

Spotting Theo right away he walked up to the group of friends, Theo flinched thinking that Otiz was going to hurt him but what came out of the familiars mouth was different.

"Theodore Nott I'm sorry for trying to attack you. I didn't mean it honest to Merlin I didn't, I was annoyed at something but let's say Hadrian can be very convincing if he flicks my nose in animal form" said Otiz hand on the back of his own neck blushing slightly.

"Thank you Otiz" said Theo to him slightly shocked by what had happened, within seconds Otiz hand changed into his child from and had squeezed himself between Blaise and Theo sitting happily there lending into Theo as he went back to reading his book.

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