The Crosser of the Sea

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(Second Ascension)

(Third and final Ascension outfit

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(Third and final Ascension outfit. The armor is completely green and he doesn't wears a helmet)

 The armor is completely green and he doesn't wears a helmet)

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(His weapon)

History: He was a Japanese warrior of the early 13th century, his name comes from Awa no Kuni's Asaina-gun, where he lived at one time. Though very likely an historical figure, Yoshihide appears in literature and in kabuki as a somewhat an superhuman legendary character. According to these, his mother was the renowed female warrior Tomoe Gozen, and he had superhuman strength which he used to accomplish a number of stunning feats.

Yoshihide's name is associated with some incredible feats. According to the Azuma Kagami, he and the then future shogun Minamoto no Yoriie, who were good friends, one day were together in Kotsubo. Yoriie said he had heard what a good swimmer Yoshihide was, and he challanged him to give a demostration of his prowess. Immediately, Yoshihide jumped into the sea and soon re-emerged with two or three sharks in his fists. Yoshihide is also mentioned in the Soga Monogatari as having competed for strength with Soga Goro Tokimune.

Finally and most famously, he is said to have opened the Asaina Pass by himself in one night, thus giving this extremely important pass his name.

He became a retainer of Minamoto no Yoriie and fought alongside his adoptive father, Wada Yoshimori, and Yoriie in a revolt against the Hojo in 1213. He raided and burned the Okura Bakufu, seat of Minamoto no Yoritomo's government. When he was defeated in battle, he fled to Awa no Kuni with 500 horsemen. From this moment, his whereabouts are unknown but, according to the Wada family records he fled to Awa no Kuni, and then to Korea.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Arts/Arts/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: Lawful-Neutral.
Strength: B.
Endurance: A.
Agility: B.
Mana: C.
Luck: A.
Noble Phantasm: B+.

Class Skills~

Magic Resistance: B.

Riding: A.

Personal Skills~

Oni Kind Demon: C++.

Eye of the Mind(True): A.

Knowledge of Melees: B+.

Noble Phantasm~

Mutsuurakuchi~The Seven Entrances of Kamakura: Anti-Army Mystic Sword: B+: This Noble Phantasm does not consist on a single weapon, it comes from the fact that the sheer might of Yoshihide turns any single object into a deadly weapon. In other words, this Noble Phantasm is the crystallized feat where Yoshihide created the Asaina pass in a single night, sublimed into a deadly type of demonic swordsmanship which is capable of shaping the land. Game Effects; Increases own Attack for 1 turn. Ignores Invicibility for 1 turn. Buster NP.

Summoning: "Saber, Asahina Yoshihide, has responded to your summons. My strength shall be yours from now on."

My Room comments: 1: "Do not laze around, Master. Who knows what kind of enemy may await."

2: "I am a warrior. And as a warrior, I pledge to serve you with my utmost loyalty."

3: "Yes I'm your Servant and you're my lord, such a thing will not change."

4(Upon reaching bond lever 5): "Yes I'm your Servant and you're my lord, such a thing will not change. Eh? Y-You say that it isn't true, that we now we're friends? I-I thank you for thinking of me like that."

Kiso-Minamoto no Yoshinaka: "So... that man... is my true father... I... I always wanted to meet him, since mother always speaked fondly of him... What should I say to him?"

Tomoe Gozen: "Mother! I'm glad that we could reunite like this! Yes, as a warrior I swear to serve our Master. Though... please do not play video games too much, or else you will get sloppy."

Sakanoue no Tamuramaro: "So that's the great shogun, the one who defeated and slayed many demons, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro himself. Of course, I'm honored for him to be an ally!"

Minamoto no Raikou(Berserker/Lancer): "Hmm... Raikou-sama, you should mind your own appearances before judging moralities. But... I guess I can't stop you."

Theseus: "Hm? Does Master wants to see me compete with Theseus-dono in a swimming race? Hahahahaha! I won't lose, even if he's the son of the sea."

Any Servant related to the Minamoto: "Well... if I was part of the Genji by blood, then does that meant that Yoriie-sama and I were cousins all along? Hahahaha! I guess that is what they call, an unlikely coincidence, isn't it?"

Event: "An unusual presence is close, I'll go to investigate."

Birthday: "If you want, I can go catching fishes. But of course, I'll leave the cooking matters to Emiya-san and Cat-san."

Holy Grail: "It may sound selfish of me, but I wish to test my strength against other legends. The grail isn't my priority."

Bond Lines: 1: "Wada Yoshimori? He is a good father, someone that I could be proud of."

2: "Yes... my mother had the Oni's blood running through her veins, so does on me. That is the source of my strength."

3: "Yoriie-sama? He was like a brother to me. He was... an slightly hopeless person, but he had a good heart and a strong soul. Maybe, you can get along with him if he were to come... Just kidding. I am aware that he didn't become an Heroic Spirit."

4: "Why is my surname 'Asahina' and not either 'Wada' nor 'Minamoto'? Well... that's because I used to govern over the Asai County, so it then became my family name. It... isn't much of a good reason, isn't it?"

5: "Master... I do have inhuman origins, yet... do you... truly see me as a friend? You do, huh... Hahahahahaha!! Then, let this Asaina Yoshihide to pledge his utmost loyalty to you, my lord!"

Noble Phantasm damage: "This is a Noble Phantasm!?"

Regular damage: "Tch!"

Defeat: 1: "I have been defeated... but... I have no regrets..."

2: "To fall in here... such a shame..."

Victory: 1: "Enemies were slain, very well, advance!"

2: "This is our victory! Let us keep marching, Master."

Noble Phantasm: "Seven paths, seven destinies(He draws out his sword from his sheath) This blow shall open those ways(And just like that, he rushes towards the enemy without stopping) AAAAAAAAAGGHH!!(When he reached the enemy, he rised his sword above his head and) Mutsuurakuchi! CHESTO!!!(With a mighty swing, he obliterated all the enemies with a single sword slash)."

Voice: Daisuke Kishio.
Other qualifying classes: Berserker.

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