"(Y/N)." Leon spoke out, taking a step forward at first, only to be stopped when Chris grabbed ahold of his right arm rather hard.

Leon looked back at the man in question, seeing Chris not meeting his gaze at all. His gaze was frozen on you, his eyes stern with shock.

"What?" Leon spat, yanking his arm out of the man's hold. Chris didn't even acknowledge Leon's question, feeling his own heart clench almost painfully at the sight of you.

"Look." He responded, moving his head slowly to show Leon to look at you.

You finally managed to stand onto your two feet again, your hands stained in blood that wasn't your own.

Hearing the second stranger call your name made you almost forget that you had one, but hearing it from him almost sounded comforting, but you couldn't pin point why.
Once you turned, you didn't realize that you had confirmed Chris' suspicions on the scarab on your chest.

"What the hell is that thing?" Leon breathed out, the horror flooding his entire body at the sight of it, from the thick wires that dug underneath your skin, to the amounts of dried blood around it.

"I don't know," Chris admitted, never caring to learn its proper name, "But I've seen it before, and I know what it does."

"What does it do?" Leon asked, unable to take his eyes off of you, all while your attention was on Chris, trying to piece together why he looked so familiar in your mind.

"It's like a mind controlling device," Chris tried to explain, recalling the events of when he had to yank it off of Jill, and how much agony it brought the both of them. "But it's different, it uses a sort of shock therapy."

"Shock therapy??" Leon yelled out, growing more horrified by the description he was giving. "The shit they do to brainwash people?!"

Brainwash? Your breathing got caught in your throat. You brought your attention over to the man who said so, whose voice, despite panicked, brought a strange comfort over your mind and body.

You knew these men, both of them. But for some reason, your attention stuck towards Leon, unsure why you couldn't tear your gaze away.

Something about him. What is it? I know you, but where have I.. I have seen you. I do know you, do I? I do! You... you.

"You." You spoke, your tone low and cold. Your hand raised your gun immediately, your finger on the trigger as you pointed it towards Leon.

Leon cursed mentally at your response, realizing why you not only pointed a gun at him, but had a murderous look in your eyes. Despite the possible danger, he refused to point his weapon towards you. Chris also refused, but that didn't stop him from keeping his finger on the trigger.

"I'm angry at you," You stated, your finger refusing to leave the trigger despite your struggling confusion behind all of your anger. Just staring at him at this point made your chest burn painfully with rage, even when you didn't want it to. It didn't feel right to be angry at him, but at the same time, it did.

"(Y/N)." Leon spoke slowly, taking a step forward slowly. He raised his free hand slowly, showing he meant no harm. "I'm gonna need you to put the gun down-"

"No," you replied, shaking your head a bit, "No, I'm not. I need you to answer me. I'm angry at you because... You hurt me, why did you hurt me??"

Leon winced slightly, realizing what Chris meant about the shiny scarab on your chest. You must've put up a hell of a fight to be shocked multiple times, which resulted in your mind being broken down and your memories to get scattered, leaving you as the confused remnants of his wife.

Unrequited Circumstances-Resident Evil VendettaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu