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The next day I wake up with a stretch and groan quietly slowly getting up. I then look confused when I see Ten isn't in his bed. I walk out of the bedroom and head for the kitchen seeing everyone already up but me and I frown. "Oh Onyx. Good your up. Quick get dressed we have practice." I nod at Kun and quickly run off getting dressed then head back into the kitchen where I'm handed a plate of food. I immediately scarf it down ignoring the scolding I'm getting they saying that I'll choke. Once I'm done I drink my juice then put my dishes in the sink. We then hurry up to practice and we immediately go to start. We practice for hours until it's finally time to take a break. I immediately plop down on the floor breathing heavily. Suddenly I feel a presence behind me but before I can look at them I feel cold water being dumped over my body. I immediately tense then look behind me in shock seeing Ten holding the bottle. Then my eyes narrow and I scramble to get up his eyes widening and I immediately start chasing him around the room. After a moment he stops then turns to me with a mischievous smile on his face. My eyes widen and I slowly start to back up but before I can dart away Ten grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. I immediately start to squirm. "Ten put me down!!" He goes quiet pretending to think about it before answering. "Hmmm let me see. Nope." I groan in frustration and whine. "Come on.... please let me go. Pretty please?" After a moment he lets me down and I look up at him as soon as I'm on my feet. We get lost in each other's eyes until Lucas clears his throat making us jump. I immediately blush and turn to Lucas. "We need to get back to practice." I nod and go to get back in position. We continue on with practice until we head back to the dorm. I drag my feet to mine and Ten's room and plop down on my bed with a groan. I hear Ten make a noise of amusement and I lift my head to glare at him chucking a pillow at him looking accomplished when it hits him straight in the face giggling. He glares at me then gets a mischievous look on his face and runs over jumping onto my bed and starts tickling me. I squirm around and laugh trying to fight him off. "T.... Ten s... stop!!" He chuckles at me. "No. Not until you admit I'm the best." I keep squirming and laughing shaking my head no trying to catch my breath until I finally give up. "F.... fine! Y.. Your the best!" He finally stops and I breathe heavily looking into his eyes getting lost in them our faces inches apart. Suddenly our faces start getting closer our lips almost touching until suddenly there's a knock on the door me and Ten immediately jumping apart. Ten clears his throat and looks at the door. "Come in." The door opens and Xiaojun comes in he looks between us with a raised eyebrow and I blush. "Uh Harry's here to see you Onyx." I blink then carefully scramble off the bed not noticing Ten's frown. I thank Xiaojun before heading into the living room and grab Harry's arm leading him outside. Once the door closes I look at Harry who raises an eyebrow at me. "Why are you blushing so hard for?" I look down at my feet shyly. "No reason...." he studies me then grins. "Something happened didn't it? Come on tell me." I sigh and hide my face in embarrassment before mumbling. "Ten and I almost kissed. We would've if Xiaojun hadn't of interrupted to say you were here." He immediately frowns. "Oh. Sorry to ruin your moment." I shrug it off then look at him curiously. "Why are you here so late anyways?" He rubs the back of his neck. "Well I just wanted to let you know I'm going back home in a few days." My expression immediately sours and I get sad. "Ohhh..... I'm gonna miss you." He smiles softly down at me and gives me a big hug. "I'm gonna miss you too." Eventually we pull away Harry leaving and I walk back into the dorm looking sad and upset. "What's wrong Onyx?" I look at Ten sadly starting to tear up. "Harry's leaving. I'm gonna miss him." Ten gently pulls me into a hug I gently clinging to him. He then leads me back to the room and I expect him to lead me to my bed but he leads me over to his and we lay down he gently cuddling me and holding me close. I slowly relax and try to hold back my tears but they escape and I quietly cry slowly going to sleep in Ten's arms.

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