Ch 10 (epilogue)

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Slowly waking up to the feeling of a cold bed I slowly sit up with a frown rubbing my eyes before looking at the empty spot beside me. I slowly climb out of bed and walk out of the room peeking my head around the corner not seeing anyone. I then start walking to the kitchen when I see a note on the table. Blinking I pick it up and read it curiously. "Onyx, went to the park to walk Bella. Meet us there. -kun." Feeling a little sad that I woke up alone especially on my birthday. Shrugging it off I get dressed and grab my key to the dorm closing and locking the door. I then start heading to the park and look around until I hear Yangyang's loud voice. Smiling a little I follow it and blink looking surprised when I see a bunch of decorations and a cake. "W... what's going on here?" Everyone turns around in shock before smiling and yelling cheerfully. "Happy birthday!" I grin happily at them. "Thanks guys!" I walk over happily giving everyone a quick hug saving Kun and Ten for last. When I give Kun a hug thanking him because I know he made the cake he whispers in my ear. "It was Ten's idea." Smiling I pull away then walk over to Ten hugging him then I pull away and lean up kissing him softly. He immediately kisses back and I slowly pull away after a moment smiling. Kun then motions me over to the cake lighting the candles and they all sing me happy birthday. Once they finish I close my eyes making a wish that everything will stay just like this then blow out all of the candles. Smiling happily we cut and serve the cake and sit down talking happily about the year since I've joined. Leaning my head on Ten's shoulder I watch as my friends joke around and laugh feeling happy and content with my life and not wanting anything to change because I've never been happier than I was in that moment.

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