Mmmmmmmm scar

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Just me talking about Scar

- so when I first really started to get into Hermitcraft about over a year ago I really wanted to know about the personalities of the Hermits so what better place to go find that out then the internet? When I was learning about Scar though he just kinda seemed off

-like they portrayed him as a lovable baby but they were also like "yah he's also in an evil fae cult" and that's kinda where the inspiration for my first Hermitcraft au came from

-needless to say even after a full year I still don't trust Scar, this is a man that I've wrote multiple school projects about how much I love him and I still don't trust him

-I remember someone saying that they think that Scar is an "underrated antagonist" and I fully agree (antagonist doesn't mean evil)

-In my first Hermitcraft au I made it so Badtimes could basically convince anyone to do anything and then lonelyZodiac made a Scar chapter and said that scar could do that and now I'm afraid that we might be mentally connected

-I only ever see three versions of badtimeswithscar and they are emo, angy, and fabulous

-I often see people try to incorporate Scar's weal chair into his design by using things like braces and robot legs and I never really liked those ideas

-eventually one day I found a scar cosplay on tiktok that used a cane and I love that, it just fits Scar's vibe perfectly

-I will comet arson for Jellie

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