Alter egos updated

227 8 146

But wait haven't I already done this?

Yah well I'm doing it again this time updated

Disclaimer: if you don't see a certain alter here then it's probably because I don't consider them different enough from the original person  to include them here so don't get mad when you don't see Ren the Kid or Poultry man

General stuff:
-all the alters live in a random house in the server
-not many of the hermits know where the house is (some don't even know that it exists)
-the house is actually less like a place of residence and more like a place for the alters to come and go from as they please
-they all have they're own bedrooms and they decorate them differently
-just imagine the shit that goes down with the alters that live there permanently

Ariana Griande:
-is an actual singer in the Minecraft world who preforms at different servers
-doesn't stay in the house very often because she's always traveling
-is a trans woman
-is actually very nice and sweet
-(fuck I know nothing about irl Ariana Grande was she the girl from Victorious?)
-is like the mom figure for the alters
-is the one you go to when someone says "go ask your mom"
-her room is filled with posters from her past concerts, has a sound booth, a closet full of different clothes, a vanity with makeup, and a T.V with a karaoke that the other alters use

The Grianch:
-big tsundere
-very fluffy
-doesn't like being pet tho
-is very passive aggressive
-likes to be left alone
-is in his room very often just keeping to himself
-he likes to read
-a lot of the alters truly to get along with him
-has been spotted with NPG though
-loves soft stuffed animals
-his room has a lot of stuffed animals and a book shelf for his books

Phantom menace?:
-not real alter I just really wanna talk about the phantom menace thing from season 6
-Grian got bit by a phantom during the phantom hunt of season 6 and became kind of a werephantom
-was lucky changed back around the end of the Grian head hunt using some potions
-he had wings, claws, and night vision
-tried to attack the hermits when he transformed but it was soon decided that he should be locked in his base on the nights when he was really feral
-there were nights where Grian had full control over himself when he transformed and it was really cool
-this is mostly based off a fic by OdalverseCrew314 that I read a long time ago

NPC Grian:
-this boi is my baby
-I don't give a duck about snapshot au propaganda he can commit as many crimes as he wants
-is a demon Grian summoned that's possessing a Robot that's also probably from Hels (maybe the demon is Hels Grian? Probably not)
-has blood?
-also has a mouth but you don't wanna see it
-is just a innocent been who has definitely committed multiple war crimes
-I've seen head cannons that NPG's autistic so fuck it autistic NPG time
-his special interest could be building/rustic houses
-maybe they don't like modern houses because NPG doesn't like the textures of the blocks (concrete, quartz, etc)
-some of his stims could be flapping his arms when happy/bored, emoting with his hands when talking, twitching they're leg when anxious
-I see a lot of headcannons say that NPG like's to draw and that's really cute
-calls robot Grian his "big brother"
-he's older then robot Grian
-his room has a drawing desk with paper and crayons and lots of LEGO for him to build tiny rustic houses out of

Robot Grian:
-the emo Grian
-how did Grian make a Robot? Not even Grian knows (sometimes people just go apeshit when sick)
-not quite sure how he feels about Grian
-Evil X is helping him change his programming so he can finally call Grian a bitch
-you cannot convince me that Robot Grian doesn't listen to My Chemical Romance
-hates most humans
-likes hanging out with the alters because most of them are not human (even the human ones are ok)
-doesn't give a dam about NPG (secretly gives a dam)
-he doesn't have much in his room besides some band posters and his charging station

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