Order 66

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So I was drawing a thing for the order 66 thing that just went down and decided to write a little thing to go along with it (this might be an au IDK)

Also blood and gore warnings if you're sensitive soul don't read


It was a few days since Grian and Scar executed order 66 onto all those villages and to be honest he didn't knock how to feel about it all

Sure he new Scar liked it but that's just Scar he was always up for some murder, he was just wondering about how he felt about it all

"Did I like it?" He thought to himself for what felt like years

He decided that he had enough of this guilt over something he didn't even know existed and wanted to do something about it
"I-I have to test it out, see if I really do enjoy what did to them"

He got the axe and robe he used for order 66 out of the chest he hid them in and went to his villager training hall to get one to Slaughter in the clearing behind his base

"This is only a test" the hermit thought to himself repeatedly

He then looked at the villager and almost uncontrollably started waking him with the axe repeatedly until it was nothing but what looked like a pile of meat and blood

And he did it all with a smile on his face

"No, no no no no no no no no NO!" The hermit shouted "I couldn't have enjoyed that WHY DID I LIKE THAT!?"

But deep down even tho he knew the answer to his question he still had one question

Did I enjoy it?

Did I enjoy it?

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(Completed) Hermitcraft 7 fluff Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя