Scrapped Ask and Dare prequel

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Yah you read the title right

There was a time where I wanted to make a prequel fic to the Alter Ego Ask and Dare.

This was scrapped for a few reasons but since Season 7 is coming to a close soon I thought it'd be best if I summarized some old scraped ideas from when I was in the fandom.

So to start off it's important to mention that the plot would Be heavily based off the musical Be More Chill (because I love Be More Chill) and would've been mostly a song fic because I thought it might've been easier to write. I'd suggest that once I start talking about a certain song you listen to it first before reading about my version. Go look up a playlist or something since Wattpad won't let me put one here (also if you are gonna look up a playlist please don't look up the Broadway version only because I based it off of the Two River Theater version and I don't want you to get confused since some broadway exclusive songs are missing).

Our story starts during the mayoral election with the song More Than Survive as Evil Xisuma wakes up to get ready for rehearsal. To start off I originally had the idea for Evil Xisuma, Badtimes, Robot Grian, and GrimDog to be in a band based off a joke I made back when HelsKnight was introduced. This idea is now scrapped so don't get your hopes up for it to make an appearance in the ask and dare. The song goes on mostly as normal with Evil Xisuma running into some of the Alters who are preparing for a party held once every season in which all previous alters come together and catch up with each other. In this version the play rehearsal sign up is replaced with a poster for Mumbo For Mayor, there was going to be a subplot where Evil Xisuma would be afraid to vote for Mumbo because he doesn't want to be seen as cringe. In this version the characters of Michael and Kristen are combined into Worm Man. Yah this is a Worm Man x Evil X au, not 100% sure if I still want that to be a thing on the official ask and dare. Worm Man keeps on hearing about this crush that Evil X has and being an idiot he has no idea it's him and he's afraid Evil X won't return his own romantic feelings. At the end Evil X votes for Mumbo, gets called Cringe by Badtimes and goes off to band practice. By the end we learn about how Evil X feels like he isn't well liked around the server and that he doesn't really want to be perceived as a villain anymore, but as a respected member of Hermitcraft.

On to I Love Play Rehearsal which has been heavily overhauled for the au. In this version Worm Man is trying to impress Evil X by telling him about how much he definitely knows about music. Worm Man knows nothing about music.

The Squip song is skipped in this version and is instead replaced with a scene of Badtimes selling Vex Popsicles, very important to the plot.

Now we're on Two Player game which is pretty similar to the original. Evil X vents to Worm Man about his worries while playing some video games and Worm Man tells him not to worry because guys like them are cool on Tumblr. At some point Badtimes barges in and offers a Vex Popsicles which they both refuse (there is just way to much sugar in those things). The scene ends with Worm Man and Evil X talking about how they're always going to be by each other's side and it's all really wholesome.

Now it's time for the main event, The Squip Enters. To understand what is going on you'll have to know a bit about my Evil X backstory. I headcannon that the Evil X we know is not a Hels counterpart but was instead possessed by his brother's Hels counterpart, forced to do evil things by this evil spirit. Eventually Hels X got fed up with Evil ax's single brain cell and left Evil X's body on his own accord. However in the present Hels X decided to try this vessel one last time and possesses Evil X one last time.

Now it's time for Be More Chill 1 and 2because we're skipping Do You Wanna Ride. At first Evil X is extremely hesitant to have Hels X back in his mind but it seems like he's actually got Evil X's best interest in mind this time around. He even helps him impressed some of the Hermits that are passing by. Hels X tells Evil X that the only way to be respected on this server is to be powerful which at first Evil X doesn't like the idea of but he soon decides that this is the best option.

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