Hermits as things my classmates said

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As the title says
(Some words have been edited)

Grian: Doc is a Disney villain change my mind

Iskall: imagine we're all made out of little Grians

(For context this was during a covid-19 video conference)
Bdubs in the chat to Keralis: I'll come over right now
In Doc's head: noo don't-wait I hate him

Joe talking to Cleo: I made out with a book once I told you this

Joe talking to his daughter: can you say happy Friday
Corine: happy hanukkah

Joe: when we lose faith in god
Cleo: we become Jewish

Doc talking about Hans and Franz: they're not foxes

Scar: who's that Pokémon!
Cub: it's Britney bitch

Etho: I choose you small penis

Etho: are my hands soft
Beef: they're wet
Etho: that's what she said

Grian talking to Mumbo: you know what Mumbo, I like Scar more, you've been replaced

Ren: I'm going back in the closet

Iskall: Grian's instagram, Grianstagram

Bdubs: anime Joehills

Keralis: Bubbles in a scale of 1-10 how jokes is this

Impulse: we need a good answer
Zedaph and Tango:then why are we going first

Doc: respect the goat Bdubs

Tango about Mumbo: his moustache looks like bat


Bdubs: you know what doc? Suck a toe


Zedaph: IT'S THROWBACK THURSDAY (yeets chair)

(This happened in my little sister's class)
iJevin teaching antil bullying: any question?
Joe: does this actually work?
iJevin: any other questions

Tango: fire's cold

Ren: you so fly your middle name is NNNNEEEEEEEUUUUURURURRRAAAA (airplane sounds)

Xisuma: does anyone have whiteout
Everyone hiding a big connected peace of white out under their desks: (starts laughing)

False: if she's bi that means that she could like anyone of us
Stress and false: (._.;)

Grian talking about the watchers: and they were bird people
Keralis: the bourgeoisie?!

Scar about Jellie: yes she is our god

Beef hiding from mobs under a table: if I can't see them they can't see me

False: I'm going to run for mayor today
Xisuma: again?

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