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"Ema! Ema!"

A quiet voice weaved through her thoughts as a gentle warmth reached her ear.

The darkness receded, even if only a little bit, as she focused hard to look at him.

"I'm here... Just remember that. You're safe with me." He spoke quietly... But sincerely, and... Closely. His warm breath hit her cheek, and made her feel guilty for taking such comfort in it. She tried to nod, but found she still couldn't move much. Looking into his eyes, slowly, she hoped he understood.


A loud, metallic sound sharply echoed through the warehouse, causing Ema to flinch and grip Klavier's hand tighter than before.

"What was that-?!" She panicked, her heart racing as her eyes darted around restlessly for its source.

A finger made its way to her mouth as an arm gently pulled her closer to the man beside her.

That's right... He wouldn't let anything happen. Surely....

Forcing herself to speak, she hung onto her friend, shakily.

"Mr.... K. D. Knapp... If you come with me now, we'll go easy on you...." She felt her confidence wavering, knowing all too well that it showed in her voice.

Silence followed her statement... Eerie silence.

"If... You don't cooperate... I'll..." She shuddered and glanced at a figure in the corner, worriedly.

She could feel it's mocking stare... She could practically hear it's voice.

"You'll what? Arrest me?"

She shivered and tugged on Klavier's arm, trying to make him look to the side.

"I-I'll be forced to...."


Ema shrieked and held onto Klavier's black shirt, feeling the overwhelming urge to run and hide as she held back tears.

She felt warm arms embrace her and gently move her from side to side as more loud crashes and voices rang in her ears.

Sniffling and sobbing, she tried to be quiet as she was moved.

Her arms tingled as she began to warm up again, still hearing muffled noises in the back of her mind.....

"You did great, Ema...."

She sniffed sadly and slowly wiped her eyes. "What...?"

"You did great..." He put a hand to the top of her head and smiled.

"I.... B-but..." She glanced to the side, noticing the bright sunlight around her. Were they back outside?

"He's being taken into custody right now... You did amazing, meine kleine Superfrau..."

Ema glanced around confusedly until her eyes met his. "I.... He is...?"

He lightly chuckled, moving some hair from her face. "Yes, he is... You're perfectly safe now."

Ema watched him closely as her eyes got misty once more. He was gone... She never had to see him again. She could be free...

She reached her hands upwards and pulled the Fop downwards for a hug. "I-I owe you my life... In m-more ways than one..." She sighed. "T-thank you... For everything.... Absolutely everything...." She squeezed around his neck and pressed her head onto her arm, happily.

"No need, Fraulein... I already know."


Meine kleine Superfrau- My little Superwoman. ♥️

Fraulein- Young lady

Stick around for the final chapter. :) Man, finishing my first story feels great...! A bit hard with all that's going on in my life, but well worth it!

Just One of Those Days. (Ema Skye Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now