Not One of Those Good Days

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"Ack! Fraulein, I'm so sorry!" ...Klavier Gavin. The most glimmerous, foppish fop to have ever walked the earth. The worst thing on the planet except for maybe a snackoo shortage. He had his foppish blonde hair in a glimmerous twist on his left, her right, and a pair of stupidly foppish blue eyes. He always wore that foppishly glimmerous pendant around his neck, that infamous "G" that stood for "Gavinners", his famous rock band. He always wore the same thing, a black button-up shirt, black jeans and a chain belt under a deep purple jacket. "...Fop." He was about to kneel down to help her up, but he froze. He stared at her for a second too long, Ema taking the chance to pick herself up instead of letting him help her. He took a second to find the words he was looking for. "Why are you soaked?" Ema scowled, her previous good mood vanishing. "Oh, I just thought to have a nice bath in my work clothes-what do you think happened?!" She stormed past him, trying to get back to her bag she left on her chair. Him, being the glimmerous fop he is, followed her, speaking gibberish. "Fraulein Detektiv...! Es tut mir leid!" Ema kept walking, her teeth clenched as she refrained from growling. She slammed open the door and made her way to her desk, Prosecutor Gavin hot on her heels. Yes, along with being a rock star, he was a prosecutor. Her outburst earned her the attention of everyone in the room once more, but after realizing she was just back to her normal mood, they quickly returned to their work. "Fraulein, I'm sorry, will you please just talk to me?" Ema snagged her bag and fished out her pack of snackoos. She dipped her hand into it and pulled out a handful, stuffing a few in her mouth before tossing the remaining chocolate treats at his foppish face with a satisfying "katonk". He recoiled and batted the rest away from his face, frowning. "Fraulein-" Ema snapped, "What, Fop?" He tried to give her a convincing smile. "You look good today... like that." Ema honestly didn't have any clue how to take that. Was it a compliment or a joke? Ema decided it didn't truly matter and she turned her back to him. "Just go away already... You stupid, glimmerous, foppish excuse of a fop." She waited a minute for him to go away, munching on her snackoos. Something warm slid over her shoulders, causing Ema to look back. He was already out the door by the time she realized. "That... Glimmerous fop!" She scowled and pouted, but didn't take his jacket off. Something about the gesture felt... Neither foppish nor glimmerous. She moved her jacket and vest, sitting back down on her chair, returning to her files, his jacket still resting on her shoulders. Maybe today wouldn't be good or bad.

Fraulein- young lady
Detektiv- Detective
Es tut mir leid- I'm sorry (an apology)

Sorry for the short chapters, this is still my first time doing this and letting the public see it. I will try to make longer chapters in the future, but there are no guarantees. I am open to suggestions on what you think will/should happen next, as I am running low on ideas, but it may not make it into the story. Thanks!

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